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Police and Government Officials Persecuting Falun Gong in China Receive Retribution

September 21, 2003 |  


Chen Yuanchao, the Judge Who Presided Over the First Trial of Falun Gong Practitioners in China Has Been Diagnosed with Lung Cancer

Hainan Daily reported on August 13, 2003 about 52-year-old Chen Yuanchao, the presiding judge of the Criminal Court, Haikou City Intermediate People's Court. In November 1999, he assumed the role of presiding judge in the first trial of Falun Gong practitioners. He used illegal means to criminalize Mr. Song Yuesheng, Mr. Chen Yuan, Mr. Jiang Shilong, and Ms Liang Yuling and sentenced them to as long as 12 years imprisonment. For that action, he received several awards: The Second Award of Contribution and First Award of Contribution as well as the Award of Model Judge.

Chen Yuanchao became very ill and was hospitalized in April 2002. He was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the doctors suggest that surgery would be useless.

We hope those who are still participating in the persecution of Falun Gong will learn from the situation of Chen Yuanchao and change their shameful behavior.

Associate Section Head of the Political and Security Section of Macheng City Public Security Bureau Dies from Stroke

Fifty-year-old Luo Xuejian, Associate Section Head of the Political and Security Section of Macheng City Public Security Bureau, was very cruel towards Falun Gong practitioners. He sent many practitioners to forced labor camps and slandered the founder of Falun Dafa, Mr. Li Hongzhi.

In July 2003, taking advantage of his position, he went to visit a prostitute and died of a stroke on the spot. Local people were very angry at the scandal, which also embarrassed Luo's family and his son, who also works in the public security field.

Zhang Houjun, Vice Bureau Chief of Macheng City Property Bureau is actively involved in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in his organization. He was recently jailed and tried for embezzlement.

Chief of Bin County Public Security Bureau of Heilongjiang Province Dies from Mysterious Illness

Sun Jibiao, Chief of Bin County Public Security Bureau of Heilongjiang Province, had always been hostile towards Falun Gong. In April and May 2002, he directed and led police to round up over 30 Falun Gong practitioners, 20 of whom had been sent to Wanjia Forced Labor Camp and Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp. Soon after, he suffered from a mysterious disease. Although he has been treated by numerous hospitals inside and outside of the province, he got worse and was unconscious for months before he died on August 9. His death was a shock to the local police community.

Fine Arts Teacher of Shenyang City Defames Falun Dafa and Is Struck by Lightening

Zhang Tongxing, a fine arts teacher of Guanlibao Village No. 68 Middle School, Sujiatuan District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, was hostile towards Falun Dafa. He even drew on the blackboard to defame Falun Dafa and made the students sign the drawings he had made. He was struck by lightning at 9:00 a.m. on July 14, 2003.

Cases of Retribution at No. 3 Hospital Affiliated with Zhongshan University, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City

Tang Jijun, Section Head of Security Section of No. 3 Hospital Affiliated with Zhongshan University, was extremely hostile to Falun Dafa practitioners. He has participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners since July 20, 1999 and had led many groups of police to round up practitioners. He even arranged for one diligent practitioner to receive 3 years imprisonment. He fined practitioners, withheld salaries from them, and dismissed them from school. He died on August 1, 2003 of liver cirrhosis and hemorrhage.

Chief of the Nursing Department, Ms. Lu Muzhen, followed the local "610 Office" closely, and took a practitioner to a brainwashing center. She died from breast cancer in May 2003.

Director of Shanghuguan District, Dongcheng Township, Enping City, Guangdong Province Dies a Sudden Death

Liang Runsu, a 39-year-old female, was the director of Shanghuguan District, Dongcheng Township, Enping City, Guangdong Province. She assisted the authorities in persecuting Falun Gong and as a result, was promoted to the position of director from a security commissioner. She suddenly died in July 2003 with no apparent cause.

Everyone chooses their own path. Falun Gong practitioners continue to talk to people about the importance of kindness to persuade people not to cause any harm to others. What goes around comes around, so they hope people will choose to respect others. It's important that people take charge of their own lives and know they are responsible for their own futures.
