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Denmark: Successful Performance at the Aarhus Cultural Festival (Photos)

September 06, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The Danish city of Aarhus's annual cultural festival began on August 30. Aaarhus is situated on Jutland, the biggest island in Denmark, and is the second largest city in the country. This year, the theme of the festival was Far Eastern culture. Tapestries and decorations added an oriental flavor to the event and Chinese characters could be seen all over the place.

At this important moment in Fa-rectification with the international lawsuit against Jiang, Danish and Swedish Dafa practitioners met at Aarhus to celebrate with the Danish people, bringing the wonder and beauty of Dafa to them, and letting them know the truth about the crimes Jiang has committed in his evil persecution of Dafa.

Throughout the three-day activity it often rained, but people never lost interest. Everyone either held umbrellas or ignored the rain, excitedly enjoying the practitioners' performance. Four young female practitioners danced elegantly to the beautiful music of "The Lotus Song." After that there was traditional Chinese Fan Dancing and an exercise demonstration accompanied by a live commentary. This attracted a lot of people. Although practitioners had several thousands leaflets containing information about the lawsuit against Jiang, they still could not keep up with the demand.

People continually told us: "It's extremely beautiful. The most beautiful!" Some people even asked us to send them the photos that had been taken so that they could add them to their own website. A nearby pop music band was happy to postpone their performance because they didn't want to disturb such a wonderful and peaceful performance. The number of people who wanted to get contact information about their nearest free Falun Gong exercise class was enormous.

In the crowd, there were some people from China. They were obviously proud of the colorful Chinese culture that was being displayed by our graceful dancers. When they saw practitioners' good health and peaceful demeanor, all the lies from the Jiang regime immediately perished. The Western practitioners' exercise demonstration left a very deep impression on them. Our Chinese leaflets and Video-CDs were soon all gone.

On the last day, our performance attracted the attention of a photographer from the biggest newspaper in Denmark. He said that he would put the picture of our fan dance on the front page. The biggest TV station in Jutland, "Denmark TV Channel 2," also interviewed practitioners during the festival. The three days of activities were very successful.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200309/14900.html