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Falun Gong Practitioners Meet With a Manager of the China Times in Taiwan While Delivering Letters Explaining the Facts About the Persecution

September 09, 2003 |  

August 26, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net] Epochtimes of Taipei reports: Recently, four cable TV companies in Taiwan showed the "Zhejiang Beggar Poisoning Case," a news report from China that falsely blames Falun Gong for the poisoning deaths of some street people. It evoked broad discussions about the social responsibilities of the news media and raised the question of whether Mainland capital is influencing the Taiwan media.

According to some international organizations, even before the investigation of the "Zhejiang Beggar Poison Case" was completed, the Xinhua News Agency [official news agency of the Chinese government] had already reported that a Falun Gong practitioner was responsible. But local officials from Longgang, Canglan County indicated that the prime suspect in the case was Chen Fuzhao, a known psychiatric patient. It is not known if this is another incident like the "Tiananmen Square Immolation," which was a totally staged incident directed by Jiang Zemin' s regime intended to defame Falun Gong. But the news was broadcast right before the fourth anniversary (July 20) of the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong, which made it seem more believable to people.

Recently, several Falun Gong practitioners went to the Zhongtian TV Station, Taipei (China Times) to deliver a letter to the station that explained the facts about the persecution. By talking face to face with the station staff, Falun Gong practitioners hoped to let them know how cruel the persecution is in China, that Jiang Zemin is being sued in several countries, and that many Taiwanese practice Falun Gong. The practitioners said they hoped that such fake news would never be shown again because it is misleading to the people of Taiwan and it damages the reputation of Falun Gong.

One manager at the China Times asked about the situation of Falun Gong practitioners. He said that the China Times had been supportive of Falun Gong practitioners, and that the misleading news broadcast by Zhongtian may have been an error. He said that he takes Falun Gong practitioners' opinions seriously and that he would submit their letter to upper management. He also said about two years ago, the China Times sponsored a demonstration of the Falun Gong exercises, and that it was attended by many of their employees.

Practitioners explained to the manager how violent the persecution in China has been and said it's beyond what most people would be able to endure, and yet, Falun Gong practitioners in China have endured and persisted for four years. More and more people now recognize the goodness of Falun Gong. At the same time, practitioners told the manager of the great benefits they had gained through practicing Falun Gong. The manager said that it sounded impressive and that he would get a copy of Zhuan Falun and read it carefully.

Right now, the truth clarification activities are in their second week. Falun Gong practitioners have peacefully talked with representatives from the four cable TV stations, Mingshi, ETTV, TVBS, and Zhongtian about the seriousness and damaging effects of such propaganda that is disguised as news. They said that they hoped the stations would not be influenced by Jiang's regime and would not broadcast such fabricated news in the future. All of the TV stations accepted an appeal letter, and most employees showed understanding and support for Falun Gong. The security person at one station praised Falun Gong practitioners by saying "good job."