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Summary of Other Articles and News - 09/03/2003

September 09, 2003 |  


Practitioners Exchange Insights

How a Dafa practitioner in China broke out of a brainwashing class with righteous thoughts: on August 7, 2003, lawless police officers broke into my home to arrest me. They took my husband to the police department and sent me to the No. 2 City Detention Center. I didn't cooperate with them, shouting, "Falun Dafa is good!" A vicious police officer kicked my ears and I passed out. I held a hunger strike to protest the persecution, and I grasped all opportunities to clarify the truth to the police and to expose the evil. In the afternoon of the sixth day of my hunger strike, they carried me into a car and sent me to a brainwashing class held by persecutors at a Party school. My body began convulsing; I felt nauseous, I vomited and was sent to a hospital. When a nurse tried to inject me, the needle would not penetrate my skin. I clarified the truth to the hospital staff. In the end, they went to sleep and the two people who were watching me also went to sleep. With Master's protection, I broke out of the brainwashing class with righteous thoughts.

News From China

The Fushun City Brainwashing Center uses collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] and instructors to attack Dafa practitioners and to brainwash them. Usually, three of them surround one practitioner who try to destroy the practitioner's will. They take turns talking to the practitioner and don't let him or her sleep. This is their attempt to mentally break the practitioner. They also provide the practitioners good living conditions in order to cover up their true intentions, spread propaganda to the outside and forbid the practitioners to believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Furthermore, they twist the meaning of Dafa and spread evil understandings of Dafa and also slander Dafa. After all these fail, they tear off their masks and begin to threaten, coerce and curse the practitioners.

News From Abroad

Free Asia September 2nd report from Hong Kong: on Tuesday, Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong condemned the Hong Kong government for political persecution. They will file a lawsuit on Wednesday regarding the verdict in last year's "obstruction case." They were arrested on March 14, 2002, when they peacefully petitioned in front of China's Liaison Office in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong court accused them of "assaulting the police." Falun Gong practitioners think this is obviously a political persecution, and that the Hong Kong government received pressure from the Beijing government.

A Practitioner's Story

Unexpected fortune: I am 70 years old. The Chinese government has been suppressing Falun Gong for a long time. I didn't pay much attention to it previously, but the length of the persecution aroused my curiosity. I heard that a large percentage of Falun Gong practitioners are elderly and ordinary people. Why doesn't the government protect such a peaceful group? Instead, it brutally persecutes them. I couldn't understand.

Three years ago, I went to the library and borrowed the book Zhuan Falun and found it was a very good book. It teaches people to cultivate their hearts according to the standard of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, along with five sets of exercises to enable the practitioner to achieve complete health. How wonderful! I liked it all the more as I read it more. On the first day when I learned the exercises from a practitioner, shortly after, my prolapsed rectum and loss of bowel control were cured. After I excreted a large amount of blood, both of my diseases were cured.

As I kept reading Falun Gong books, I suddenly realized that my body had been cleansed. I just felt Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good and I wanted to practice and be a good person. I didn't think of having my illnesses cured and I obtained without pursuing it. That is how I obtained a healthy body.

My friends, if you don't know about Falun Gong, I suggest that you read Zhuan Falun, study the Fa and do the exercises according to the standard of Truthfulness-Compassion- Tolerance. Give up all attachments and you will obtain more than you ever expected!