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People Are Awakening: Stories of Truth Clarification

January 15, 2004 |  


December 24, 2003

"I Rescued You from Jail, But You Rescued Me from Hell"

A Dafa practitioner is always a top performer in his work unit. When he was arrested, a leader of the work unit talked to the police several times and managed to release the practitioner unconditionally. After the practitioner returned to work, he made an appointment with the leader who rescued him. They talked for one entire afternoon, and the leader completely understood the facts about Dafa. Prior to that, he had made some negative comments about Dafa since he was deceived by the propaganda shown on TV and lies from higher authorities. After the long talk with the practitioner, he realized his future would not be good as a result of his bad thoughts. He said, "I rescued you from jail, but you rescued me from Hell. I truly appreciate that you helped me to know the truth. I know how to deal with the Falun Gong issue from now on."

The practitioner told him, "Please protect all the confiscated Dafa books that are locked in your book cases." He smiled, "Don't worry, I will treat them well."

Clarifying the Truth to People Assigned To Monitor Dafa Practitioners

After Master's Comment on "Expose the Evil Happening Locally to the Local People" was published, many Dafa practitioners realized their own shortcomings in clarifying the truth and exposing the evil. As a result, practitioners became more active in truth-clarification.

Recently, a Dafa practitioner was released, but the local residence committee still assigned a person to monitor him. When the practitioner learned of this situation, he recalled Master's comments about Dafa disciples' responsibility of saving sentient beings. He went to the home of the person who was assigned to monitor the practitioner twice to clarify the truth. The practitioner told him how practitioners were inhumanly tortured in the labor camps, and how he himself became handicapped due to the torture. After listening to him, that person said, "I did not know all this before; I can't believe the Party is doing such an evil deed. Now that you are suffering financial difficulties, and you cannot work, I will give you 100 yuan for now. Please feel free to come to me for help in the future." The Dafa practitioner thanked him but did not take the money, "I will be happy as long as you understand the truth and not assist the evil." Since then this person has stopped monitoring Dafa practitioners.

Dafa Practitioner Entrusted by Businesswoman

Once there was an entrepreneur businesswoman who needed a housekeeper. Since both her parents practice Dafa, she knew that Dafa practitioners are all reliable and decent people. She said, "I hired several different housekeepers before, but ended up losing several household items. All Falun Gong practitioners are reliable, they don't steal, they are not greedy, and they never take anything that doesn't belong to them, they are also reliable to get the job done." When the newly hired Dafa practitioner housekeeper came, she was greeted with special trust. The employer gave her 500 yuan petty cash and all the keys to her home on the first day, and told her, "I trust you to take care of everything well for me. This way I can pay all my attention to my business." Since the Dafa practitioner did a great job as a housekeeper, everyone in the family liked her a lot. The child said, "It is great that Grandma (the Dafa practitioner) is living with us as family."