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Detention Center Inmates Discover Falun Dafa and Begin New Lives

January 23, 2004 |   By Duoming, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Jilin

A death-row criminal who is still detained gradually understood the truth about Falun Dafa after years of contact with Dafa practitioners. As a result, she took up cultivation while in the detention center. She has persisted in practicing the exercises and studying the Fa every day for 3 years. Whenever other practitioners were persecuted, she always told other criminals who participated in the persecution to be compassionate to Dafa practitioners. She would also secretly protect and support the persecuted Dafa practitioners.

Another lady was detained for being involved in an economic crime. In her despair, she was planning to commit suicide in the detention center, but Dafa practitioners in the same cell told her of some Dafa principles and truths, and she realized that this would be wrong. She gradually came to understand Falun Dafa and practitioners. She can clearly feel the energy field when a Dafa practitioner sends forth righteous thoughts. Meanwhile, from practitioners' pure words and deeds, she saw their mercifulness and willingness to sacrifice everything for the truth.

From then on, she began to recite Hong Yin together with other Dafa practitioners. One time a practitioner held a hunger strike to resist the persecution, and despite the cold, she took off her only cotton-padded jacket to cover that practitioner. When that practitioner was dragged away by policemen for forced-feeding, at the beginning she secretly shed tears and helped the practitioner to rinse off the stained clothes and hair. Later on, she began to encourage the practitioner and sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors in other dimensions. When other criminals reproached the steadfast Dafa practitioners for bringing hardship on them by hunger striking, she always stood on the side of justice and supported Dafa practitioners.

When the worst of the policemen conversed with her, they said, "Now we will add one more crime to your list, that is, practicing Falun Gong." This lady replied resourcefully: "If everyone in this society practiced Falun Gong, there would be no criminals. If I had been a Falun Gong practitioner before, I would not be detained here for any crime."