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Summary of Other Articles and News - December 26, 2003

January 04, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pang Liang from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province went to Beijing to appeal around October 1, 2002, and was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor by officials from the Jiyuan City Police Department in Henan Province. On December 31, 2002, he was sent to the No. 3 Labor Camp in Xuchang City where he was ruthlessly tortured. His term was illegally extended by four months, during which time he was tied up with a rope several times. He almost suffocated and his right elbow was dislocated. [In this method of torture, the police tie up the practitioner with a thin rope, circle the rope around his neck, and tie his hands behind his back. Then the police use all the force they can to tighten the rope. The rope becomes tighter and tighter around the body of the practitioner, and makes it more and more difficult for him to breathe. The pain is so intense that practitioners sometimes lose control of their bladder. There are instances when the rope was tightened so much that the practitioner's arm was broken] Even in his condition, the perpetrators still forced him to do slave labor. Because the practitioner was extremely weak, he fainted several times.

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Tiezhuang, the former head of Nanyang City Industrial Commercial Administration Bureau, Henan Province went to Beijing to appeal in 2000. He was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor and sent to No. 3 Labor Camp of Xuchang City where he was tortured for a long time. The persecutors have tortured him for more than three years. During this time, he shouted "Falun Dafa is good" and he signed his name on a joint appeal for fellow practitioner Li Jian who was tortured to death. Thus, Wang's term was illegally extended by one year.

Deputy head Wang Jianfeng from the Xijie Police Station in Shanhaiguan City illegally arrested and persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in the past few years. He unconstitutionally interrogated and tortured the practitioners. This man also made the practitioners stand for a long time. He deprived them of sleep and beat them, cuffed their hands to metal pipes for a long time, cuffed their hands together or behind their back and hung them up in the air, and applied a barbarous torture method called "killer rope." Moreover, the people at the police station used psychological torment such as threats and verbal abuse. Wang Jianfeng also claimed, "We'll treat you Falun Gong practitioners worse than we treat murderers! We will torture you to death!"

The persecutors at Nongan County Detention Center in Jilin Province have recently begun another round of attacks against Falun Gong practitioners. Deputy head Liu Jianguo ordered his subordinates to "strictly control" Falun Gong practitioners and personally took part in the abuse and persecution. He beat, tortured and force-fed the practitioners. The force-feeding was done so savagely that some practitioners' noses were broken and bled profusely. Several practitioners' throats became swollen so they could barely swallow water and their lives were at risk.

Officials at Kaiping Labor Camp in Changchun City who commit crimes against Dafa: education division head Ke Jibing; livelihood division head Zhang, police officer Wei Tao in the brainwashing class; deputy administrative division head Zhang Jianzhong; specialty group head Zhou Junming, team leader Yan Hongli; police officer Jia Chunmei, Qin Xiaoyan and Wei Qun; deputy labor camp head Ruan Daguo; labor camp head Xu Zhenshan and political head Zhou. These executioners brutally torture, hang up and shock Dafa practitioners with electric batons and send Dafa practitioners to brainwashing classes.

The "legal education class" held by people from Nanjing City government is in fact a brainwashing class. These officials force detained Dafa practitioners into this class, bombard the practitioners with Dafa-slandering videotapes, psychologically attack the practitioners, entice the practitioners with material/emotional benefits and threaten them. These criminal officials comply with orders of the persecution by using coercive methods to attempt to force people to deviate from Dafa and defame Dafa and Master. They eventually tested whether the practitioner had really "reformed" by ordering the practitioners to cross out Master's picture with the letter X.

Zhaozhou County Police Department officer Sun Weimin in Daqing City went to the home of Dafa practitioner Ms. Wu Guilan and told her she could no longer practice Falun Gong. If she did still practice, her husband's salary would be withheld. Under great pressure Wu Guilan's husband divorced her.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Shuqing is from Zhaozhou County, Daqing City. The street committee head often went to her home to harass her. This man often went to the practitioner's neighbors to ask for her whereabouts. Her neighbors were forced to keep away from her under deception and duress.

On December 8, 2003, police officers from Handan City, Hebei Province abducted Dafa practitioners Ms. Wang Yan and her husband Mr. Hu Xiansheng. Hu Xiansheng is currently being held at a detention center. Wang Yan firmly resisted the persecution and refused to go to a police station. Because Wang Yan had been harassed and abducted numerous times, the police tried to send her to a labor camp and a brainwashing class. The authorities did not accept her because she had high blood pressure. The officials were afraid of taking responsibility should Wang Yan pass out again so they sent her home. Yet, they dispatched several people to monitor her around the clock at her home and wouldn't leave her unobserved for one second.

The criminal officials at the Xingtai Brainwashing Center in Hebei Province persecuted Dafa practitioners mainly through these methods: solitary confinement, verbal abuse and beating, bombarding them with lies and slanders, sleep deprivation, and callous force-feedings with alcohol. Additionally, they arrested the practitioners' family members and sent them to labor camps, to be allies to force the practitioners to give up their belief in Dafa. These people tortured the determined Dafa practitioners with electric batons. The perpetrators extorted about 2,000 Yuan from each practitioner before they were released.

Other News from China

Keyuan Road Police Station head Zhang Huisheng in Jinan City devotedly carried out Jiang's infamous policy against Falun Gong practitioners, "defaming their reputations, exhausting them economically, and destroying them physically." In the past four years, Zhang Huisheng has illegally interrogated, detained and sent to brainwashing classes numerous Dafa practitioners. He ransacked their homes and extorted money from them. It was heard recently that Zhang Huisheng was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus at the age of 40. Many agree that this is his karmic retribution for mistreating Dafa practitioners.