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Summary of Other Articles and News - January 1, 2004

January 07, 2004 |  


News and Activities Around the World

Falun Dafa practitioners from the San Francisco Bay area plan to hold a press conference in front of the Chinese Consulate on January 2, 2004, in order to expose the lies about Falun Dafa propagated by Jiang and his regime. Around New Year's Day, Jiang had Xinhua News Agency come up with more false news, reintroducing the "Chen Zhaofu Poison Case," which was locally reported in July 2003 in Zhejiang Province, and never involved in Falun Gong in the first place. The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong pointed out that the report from the Xinhua News Agency had many inconsistencies, and suspiciously altered the news they were reporting on the web. It is obvious that Jiang and his regime are reintroducing such an "incident" now to redirect people's attention from the fact that Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Chengjun has recently been tortured to death.

On December 29, 2003, the Falun Dafa Association of Singapore wrote to their local Chinese Embassy about Liu Chengjun's death. The letter said, "Jiang is the criminal in this case. If there was no persecution, there would be no need for practitioners to clarify the truth. Jiang's regime never follows the law in dealing with Falun Dafa practitioners, and it forces the government, legal system, and public media to join in the persecution of these innocent people. It blocks the free flow of information over the internet, takes away people's rights, and deceives the public. Whoever tortures innocent people must be brought to justice! We hope all employees in the embassy are aware that genocide is still going on in China towards Falun Dafa practitioners, good people who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. Please distinguish good from evil, make the right choice, and stop participating in the persecution!

Facts of the Persecution

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Lo Xiufang from Jinan City, Shandong Province was abducted, and sent to the Jiangshuiquan Labor Camp in August 2003 for passing out truth-clarifying flyers. At the beginning of December, two police officers quietly took her to her brother's home. Her brother saw that she was almost dead. Her whole body was battered and out of shape, and she was extremely skinny and covered with ringworm. Police told him she was pretending to be sick, and requested that her family send her back after two months. When her family saw her like this, they all started crying, and trying their best to take care of her, hoping she could pass this trial. For anyone who knows the details of how she was tortured, please provide a name list of the villains who tortured her, and expose their evil deeds to the public.

On November 26, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners detained in the Heilongjiang Provincial Women's Prison did exercises together. The guards became angry and beat them up. They dragged Falun Dafa practitioners outside, and let them freeze in the snow until 4 p.m. Since that day, guards repeatedly made Dafa practitioners freeze outside. Police also whip and hit Falun Dafa practitioners' frosted faces and bodies with electric batons, bamboo sticks, or wooden sticks, until their faces or bodies bleed. Then they let their wounds freeze in the cold wind. Some police grab Falun Dafa practitioners' hair, and throw their heads into piles of snow. Many Falun Dafa practitioners' legs get frostbite, and their faces and bodies turn purple and swell in many places. There were hardly any Dafa practitioners who could walk back around 4 p.m. After several days, many practitioners could not even move one step, and the vicious police would drag them back in nylon mesh bags. Many Dafa practitioners only wore a single layer of clothing because they refused to wear the prisoner uniform, and police stripped their cotton-filled jackets.

Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms. Sun Wenxiang from Zhongshan District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province is in her 60's. She was reported on when passing out truth-clarifying materials a month ago, and sent to the Taoyuanjie Police Substation. She was released because of her physical condition. One police officer said when they released her, "We will send you to labor camp." On December 23, she was detained in the Women's Team of the Zhoushuizi Labor Camp.

Police officer Yan Jianshu works in Beicheng Substation, Sanhe City, Hebei Province. He is 49 years old and lives at 1-101, West #12, Kangju Development, Sanhe City. He is one of the main people responsible for persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. He pretended to be a Falun Dafa practitioner in 1998, and helped the evil damage Dafa from the inside. He beat up practitioners, repeatedly shocked them with electric batons, and even shocked an 80-year-old lady's chest with an electric baton. He personally beat up and shocked a 20-year-old daughter (non-practitioner) of a Falun Dafa practitioner with an electric baton. He climbed walls, stormed into people's houses, cuffed their hands behind their backs, and abducted a female Falun Dafa practitioner who was sleeping, when she was only wearing her underwear. He took back Falun Dafa practitioners who were on hunger strike in the Detention Center to the substation to be force-fed. He is directly responsible for seven Falun Dafa practitioners being sent to labor camp, and several tens of Falun Dafa practitioners receiving torture to different degree. His cellular phone number is 86-316-8113271, and his home phone number is 86-316-3130866. His wife's name is Lu Shuqing, and is a retired employee from the Sanhe City Post Office.

The following is an excerpt from the article, "Facts Surrounding the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners As Carried Out by Police from Tudian Region, Tangshan City, Hebei Province."

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Linong was detained for more than 20 days by police from the Tudian Station because she went to Beijing to appeal after July 20, 1999. She was detained again at the beginning of 2000, and sent to a mental hospital. She was later sent to a Drug Rehabilitation Center to be tortured. Yet, all this could not change her faith one bit. Police had to send her back home. She was sentenced to two years of labor camp in the summer of 2000 for producing truth-clarifying materials. Her employer reported on her to local police because she passed out truth-clarifying materials. Her husband bailed her out, but she had to leave home to avoid being wrongfully arrested. Currently, police are looking for her.

The following is an excerpt from the article, "Mr. Yu Chuanqi from Yanggu County, Shandong Province Tells the Story of His Family."

My name is Yu Chuanqi, and I had to become homeless three years ago in order to avoid being wrongfully arrested at home. My wife Liang Aicun was sentenced to a labor camp. She has been tortured to the point of a mental collapse in Yanggu Prison, and has still not been released, although she constantly loses consciouness. My daughter is less than 20 years old, was beaten by police and locked in the Wangcun Labor Camp in Zibo City, Shandong Province in 2001, and has not yet been released. I am here to warn those evil people Zhao Lansheng (male), Liu Xiuquan (male), Song Shihe(male), and Cao Feng (male): Stop your violence in Yanggu County!

Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms. Sun Yan-en (about 45 years old) of Beiwu Village, Chenshi Township, Shenzhou City, Hebei Province has been illegally detained in a detention center or brainwashing classes five times since November 1999, when she went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. Her total time detained is almost 24 months, and she has endured numerous forms of torture. She escaped arrest three times, and has had to become homeless in order to avoid being wrongfully arrested. She has not been able to spend the Chinese New Year Holidays at home for the past four years.