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Realizing the Urgency of Clarifying the Truth after being Reported to the Police by a Man Who Had Been Deceived by the Propaganda

October 10, 2004 |   By a Falun Gong Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) On November 23, 2003, when I went to the provincial capital to distribute truth-clarifying flyers, an old man who apparently did not know the truth about Falun Gong reported me to an officer. When I saw him at the local police station and asked him, "Sir, why did you report me to the government?" He said, "I am scared of Falun Gong, because they have committed murder, suicide, also self-immolation." I then asked, "Who told you this?" He said, "It is on television."Hearing this, I felt so sad because he had been deceived into helping a tyrant do bad deeds. I hence felt deeply that I had a huge responsibility in this. Facing so many everyday people who are deceived by the lies, we cannot wait, cannot stand by, because they are innocent in all this.

When I related to him all sorts of questionable points in the self-immolation incident as portrayed on television, the old man suddenly realized the facts after listening to my words and understood the truth.

Afterwards I said, "Our Master teaches us to become good persons by following the principles of 'Truth-Compassion-Tolerance;' caring about virtue and doing good deeds and always considering other people. Although you have reported me to the police, I do not hate you and I am also not angry with you, because you did not know the facts. Now, since you have learned the truth, I hope you do not report other Falun Gong practitioners to the authorities again. Everyone hopes each individual and their family members might live safely and harmoniously. Every practitioner is a good person. You and your entire family should remember 'Falun Dafa is good' and your entire family will be able to enjoy a safe and happy life."