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"This Little Fish Cares!" - Insights from the Pure Words of a Child

October 14, 2004 |   By a Falun Dafa disciple

(Clearwisdom.net) After a thunderstorm, many small fish had been swept out of the ocean by the waves and trapped in shallow pools along the beach. They were no longer able to get back to the sea. After a while, when the sun comes out and the water seeps down into the sands, the little fish would dry out and die. A small boy was continuously picking up the fish and throwing them back into the sea. A man passing by said, "Kid, there are hundreds and thousands of little fish here, you can't save them all." "I know," the boy answered. "Then why are you still throwing them back? Who cares?" "This little fish cares!" the boy said as he picked a little fish and threw it to the ocean. "This one cares, that one cares too! Another one, another one, and another one..." This story was found in the Reader's Digest.

"This little fish cares!" After I read this story, the truthful answer of the little boy kept echoing in my mind. If I were asked this question, I may say, "To save as many as I can, I need to try my best." I may also say, "Even though I can save only a small portion, it is a hundred percent for the ones that I saved." However, I felt that none of my answers were as touching as the pure one that little boy gave. What is the difference?

In fact, our Falun Dafa disciples are doing the same kind of things. Practitioners clarifying the truth are the only hope for people, and even lives from higher levels, to enter the future world. The place I reside in has very few practitioners. It is extremely difficult if one wants to try to reach everyone. Sometimes I do well but other times I become lazy. Very often I have the same thought as the man in the story, "Kid, there are hundreds and thousands of small fish here, you can't save them all."

Today, all of a sudden I realized what the difference is: the little boy in the story had absolutely no notion, no selfishness and was thinking entirely of the fish. He is merciful and kind to the fish. On the other hand, I had human notions and had the mentality of "doing things" to accomplish the magnificent task of helping Master to rectify the Fa.

During the course of clarifying the truth, some people showed no interest and some have been opposed. However, when I see the joy from the bottom of the heart of a life who understands the truth, I know that every life cares. Even though the superficial part of the human doesn't seem to understand, and does not cherish the opportunity, I think that they do care from the deep part of their lives since it is the only chance for them to survive, the only hope for them to enter the future.