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Summary of Other Articles and News - September 22, 2004

October 02, 2004 |  


Facts of the persecution

On September 6, 2004, Yang Zihua from the Miyi County National Security Bureau in Sichuan Province, Zhang from Linbinggu Town, and five perpetrators from the Binggu Police Station ransacked Falun Gong practitioner Yang Xingxiu's home. They took her to the Binggu Police Station. At noon on September 8, they cuffed Yang Xingxiu's hands behind her back and hung her up until she passed out at around 10 p.m. On September 9, Yang Xingxiu was sent to the Shangmiyi Detention Center, where the guards beat her until she lost consciousness. When she came to, she vomited everything she had eaten. On September 14, Yang Xingxiu passed out again, and the perpetrators released her on September 15.

The guards at Changchun City Female Labor Camp, led by division head Liu Lianying, often verbally abused and shocked practitioners with electric batons and tried to force them to write a repentance statement. Several practitioners, including Han Chunyan, were severely tortured and almost had nervous breakdowns. Practitioner Sun Xiuxia was bruised all over her body from the torture. Xu Guorong, a practitioner in her fifties, was shocked with electric batons many times, and guard Wei Dan kicked her until she could barely walk. Guard He Huanping jabbed practitioner Yang Guiping's breasts with needles and yanked them with his hands. He Huanping also kicked practitioner Zhen Xiaoming's lower back until it turned black and blue. Practitioner Zhen Donghui held a hunger strike for a month and was force-fed everyday. One practitioner was tortured to death in 2003.

Practitioner Ms. Shi Yuhuan, a former worker at Chongli County's Weaving Factory in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, was reported on July 2, 2004, and arrested. She was held at the county detention center for ten days and held a hunger strike for eight of those days, after which she was unconditionally released. On August 31, 2004, Shi Yuhuan was sent to the Zhangjiakou City Brainwashing Class in Shalingzi. Her whereabouts are unknown.

Practitioner Dong Shijun is an employee of Gongan County Healthcare Institute in Hubei Province. Because she was determined in Falun Gong practice, she was severely persecuted by people from the Gongan County "610 Office." She was abducted numerous times and sent to a detention center. She was also sent to a brainwashing class three times to be tortured. In mid-August 2003, the guards from Gongan County "610 Office" abducted her and sent her to the Jingzhou City Brainwashing Class. Because she was determined in her practice, she was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor. They refused to release her when her sentence expired in August 2004 and extended her sentence by two months. Seeing that she still refused to give up her belief, they sent her to a brainwashing center in Wuhan City.