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Eyewitness Account of Torture at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

October 24, 2004 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am an eyewitness to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners carried out by the guards and collaborators (1) at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Qi Fuying, the guard in the third team of the second division, organized several collaborators to act as hatchet men to persecute steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners. They often tied the practitioners up to torture them. Jiang Chunxiang from Dandong City, Li Qiuling, Zhu Yanling from Jinzhou City, Mao Hongxia from Benxi City, Zhao Lerong from Dalian City, Wang Deping from Anshan City and Wang Shuyun, the guard from Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp, were all collaborators influenced by Jiang's lies.

Li Qiuling tried to "brainwash" an older practitioner and did not allow her to go to the toilet. As a result, she urinated on the floor and was forced to clean it up using her underwear. Li Qiuling tried to brainwash practitioner Bei Ying. Li smashed Bei Ying's head into a metal heater, causing it to bleed.

Guard Qi Fuying told the collaborators to tie up practitioners Zheng Juxiang and Mi Yanli. They were tied up for about 15 to 16 hours, with urine and feces in their underwear. This led to their legs festering. In addition, collaborator Jiang Chunxiang applied iodine to Zheng Juxaing's legs.

Because Wang Ling from Tieling firmly believed in Falun Gong, guard Qi Fuying moved Wang Ling to a small cell at the number four building for 10 days. In the cell, her hands were locked onto the "Tiger Bench." Because she was stretched to the limit, she felt great pain in her stomach. It was very cold between November and December, and the windows in front and back were left open. The cold metal of the Tiger Bench permeated Wang Ling's entire body, making her extremely cold. When Wang Ling was released from the small cell ten days later, she was on the verge of death. (After seven days in that cell, one's skin would usually start peeling off the whole body.) Wang Ling was placed in a warm room to recover. Three days later, her face, hands and feet all swelled up. Wang Ling was later transferred to another forced labor camp, as the authorities were afraid of this brutal persecution being exposed.

In the second division of the camp, there are several buildings close to the east gate. South of the gate, there were more than a dozen rooms. The first floor is where practitioners are tortured. The floor was labeled, "SARS Isolation Section." The north side of the building is a reception area. Therefore, the building was also called the sham building.

The labor camp conducted the most evil persecution against practitioners between November and December of 2003. Every day a busload of policemen from elsewhere arrived at the camp to help with the persecution. They took practitioners into the sham building and tortured them using various torture methods. Some practitioners were tied up, some were hung up and some were beaten until they became unconscious.

One day in October 2003, the camp forced the practitioners to harvest corn in a field. Zheng Juxiang suffered from a prolapsed rectum, which bled whenever her pants brushed her anus. Qi Fuying told collaborator Jiang Chunxiang to drag Zheng Juxiang from the third floor to the field. Zheng Juxiang was in such pain that she gave a blood-curdling scream. The sound upset Zhang Shohue, a practitioner from Qiyuan Dohutuen. She grabbed Zheng Juxiang and pulled her away from Jiang Chunxiang, which saved Zheng Juxiang from having to do labor. During the whole incident, Qi Fuying remained behind the scene.

This is what I have witnessed of the persecution in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. More cases of persecution were carried out, but they have been hidden from practitioners.

  1. Collaborators are former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture.