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Summary of Other Articles and News - October 12, 2004

October 27, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Practitioner and Sisters Persecuted

My name is Ms. Wang Yumei. I have two younger sisters who are Falun Dafa practitioners, Wang Yufang and Wang Yuhong, and we live in Hengtoushan Forest Reserve and Processing Plant in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. My first sister, Wang Yufang, has been arrested three times. The first time she was detained at the Jiamusi Detention Center, and she almost died from the torture. The second time, she was sentenced to three years in a labor camp after being arrested, and was carried home when she was again near death from the torture she was subjected to. The third time, in December 2003, she was reported and sentenced to three years in prison. The prison refused to accept her because of her poor physical condition, so she is still being held in the detention center. Both of my sisters have been tortured until they were disabled. My youngest sister, Wang Yuhong, has been held in the Jiamusi Labor Camp for nearly five years.

Account of Practitioner Being Force-Fed

From September to December 2003, Education Department Manager Wang Guobin (male) and Yue Yuhai (male) of the Northern Suburban Shijiazhuang City Prison lead police from the Education Department to torture Falun Dafa practitioners with the intent of forcing them to give up their cultivation. Their torture methods included sleep deprivation, standing motionless for long periods of time, sitting motionless on a small stool for a long time, beatings with a mop handle, and pinching their fingers with pliers, among other methods. They also instructed a prisoner named Fan Jiangshan (male) to brutally beat a practitioner, Mr. Yang Xiaojie, breaking his teeth. On the evening of June 2, 2004, Mr. Yang was placed in solitary confinement, because he refused to watch a play that slandered Falun Dafa. He went on hunger strike to protest, and was tortured by being force fed on the morning of June 6. Policeman Wang Guobin inserted a tube through Mr. Yang's nose, and then inserted a wider tube. He then suddenly pushed it down too far while pouring in a thick brine solution, which filled Mr. Yang's lungs, nose, and mouth. He started to suffocate, and suddenly exploded with so much strength that three people could not restrain him. He managed to sit up and pull the tube out. Three days after the forced-feeding, Mr. Yang still suffered from a burning fever, a persistent cough, and he was vomiting blood.

Policemen Carry Out Persecution

Policemen Chen Lihui and Li Jun from the Third Ward at the Chaoyanggou Labor Camp, Changchun City, Jilin Province brutally torture Falun Dafa practitioners.

Policeman Chen Lihui is in his forties. He is originally from Henan Province and currently the Third Ward leader. He forced Falun Dafa practitioners who have severe cases of scabies to do heavy labor, and he would not allow practitioner Mr. Liu Hongwei to visit his dying wife Yu Lixin, who is also a practitioner, and who eventually died due to torture. On April 6, 2004, he directed the police and prisoners to "comb" through more than forty Falun Dafa practitioners in the Third Ward, one by one, trying to force them to be transformed. Many practitioners could not walk, and were covered with wounds after this "combing." He instructed them to have practitioner Mr. Ding Yunde tied to a sitting board (1) overnight. After October 2004, Chen once again directed another round of torture against Falun Dafa practitioners. This time, Mr. Dong Ming was forced to walk with a broken leg, by himself, leaning against the wall to support himself.

Policeman Li Jun is in his thirties. He used to work in the First Ward, but is now in the Third Ward. On December 24, 2001, he instructed prisoners to brutally beat Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Liu Hongwei, Mr. Wang Yonghe, and others. Mr. Liu Hongwei passed out after being brutally beaten by a prisoner with a bed board. They forced Liu Hongwei and Wang Yonghe to sit motionless in the lotus position for more than twenty hours each day, threatening to beat them if they moved. He directed prisoner Zhou Chunwei (male) to force practitioners Liu Hongwei and Wang Yonghe to smoke cigarettes, knowing that it was against the principles of their cultivation practice, and to go through other physical torture. In 2002, he directed prisoner Wang Dechao (male) to frequently cruelly beat practitioner Mr. Gai Yongguang (from Meihekou City, Jilin Province). On April 4, 2002, he shocked (with electric batons), tied up, and used wooden sticks to beat many practitioners, and cursed Falun Dafa and the practitioners. He instructed prisoners to use all their means to force practitioners to write Guarantee Statements to betray their faith. In October 2002, he tied Mr. Liu Hongwei's hands and feet together on a wooden stick, used an electric baton to shock his anus, and shocked many other practitioners with high voltage batons.

Retiree's Family Subjected to Persecution

My name is Ms. Li Ying, I am sixty-seven years old, and am a retired doctor from the Jilin City Synthetic Textile Factory Hospital. I had to leave home and go from place to place in order to avoid being illegally arrested and sent to a brainwashing class at the end of July 1999. I was picked up in November 2000, when I tried to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. The police from the Yanan Substation sent me to detention for fifteen days. On the evening of July 9, 2001, police from the Minzhu Police Substation in Dunhua City, and the Jilin City Police Station came to ransack my home, and they arrested my daughter. They cuffed my daughter onto the heater pipe, and caused my grandson to cry and scream with terror. My daughter was paralyzed one month after being arrested, and was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp, and they did not allow me to visit her.

Personal Accounts of Persecution

My name is Ms. Kong Xianfang, from Jilin City, Jilin Province. Police from the Shijinggou Substation of the Fengman District, Jilin City started monitoring me on July 21, 1999, when I went to Beijing to appeal. They frequently ransacked my home, and arrested and threatened my family. I was detained several times. Police took our TV, two stereos, a rice cooker, and extorted more than 7,000 Yuan from us.

I am Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Dehuai, from Shulan City, Jilin Province. On February 17, 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal with fellow practitioners, and we were stopped at the Tiebei Train Station, and sent back to our local town government. I was detained for twenty-three days. We had to pay five Yuan per day as a detention fee, but police used this money to eat out. They also extorted another 1,500 Yuan from us. On December 26, 2000, I went to Beijing again, and was sent to the Jinzhou City Court. Police there beat my lower ribs, kicked my thighs, and forced me to maintain a very painful position ¨C bent down with my hands touching the floor with legs straight, and I was not allowed to move for three hours. If I moved, they kicked me. I was sent to the Shulan City Detention Center, where I was detained for fifteen days. My family was also harassed.

I am Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Cheng Zhaoli from Shulan City, Jilin Province. I was arrested on February 19, 2000, by local town government authorities. I was locked up with more than twenty fellow practitioners in a storage room. We had to sleep on the cold cement floor, without heating or food, when the temperature was -22 o F below zero! After 12 days, they extorted 500 Yuan and released me. On January 1, 2001, police from the Lianhua Township arrested me, and held me for fifteen days. During this time, Village Head Li Mingcai (male) and Yang Shoucheng (male) went to my home and stole three pigs, and then asked my family to pay 1,500 Yuan to get them back.


(1) Sitting Board (Link to torture case) - Every day, practitioners were forced to put their hands on top of their laps, with backs straight, while sitting on benches 18 hours a day. This continued for over fifty days. The authorities even limited practitioners' restroom use. Because of the extended time spent sitting on the hard benches, practitioners' buttocks grew large sores that were very painful. Practitioners could not even urinate normally because of the pain. The labor camp was very humid, and the police did not allow practitioners to have air ventilation or the chance to get some sunlight. Under these conditions and being locked up for so long, countless red scabies grew all over our bodies. The condition was incredibly uncomfortable and painful.