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Ordinary People's Willingness to "Redress Falun Gong" Is a Direct Result of Our Persistence in Doing Well the Three Things

November 17, 2004 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

[Note: "The Three Things" refer to studying the Fa (law and principles), clarifying the truth, and sending forth righteous thoughts]

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently there was news that the Chinese government is considering restoring the reputation of Falun Dafa. Before the grand force of the Fa-rectification arrives in the human world, Falun Dafa practitioners safeguard Dafa and clarify the truth. In the process of doing so, most of the dark minions and rotten demons have been eliminated. This is the fundamental reason ordinary people are willing to "restore the reputation of Falun Dafa." No matter what ordinary people think, when the Fa rectifies the human world, all evil will disintegrate in an instant. No matter whether they clear the name of Falun Dafa or not, Falun Dafa's reputation will be restored. Falun Dafa is forever a righteous way.

To "redress Falun Gong", the unblemished reputation of the Teacher and Falun Dafa has to be restored;

To "redress Falun Gong", all detained Falun Dafa practitioners must be released and the persecution of practitioners must be completely stopped;

To "redress Falun Gong", the evildoers must be punished and the main culprits who have participated in the persecution must be taken to court;

To "redress Falun Gong", Falun Dafa practitioners and their family members must be compensated for their losses.

"Redressing Falun Gong" should never mean simply indicting a bunch of policemen;

"Redressing Falun Gong" absolutely does not allow key perpetrators to escape the punishment of the law;

"Redressing Falun Gong" absolutely does not mean negotiating with the culprits;

"Redressing Falun Gong" should absolutely not be used as a means to strengthen the Party's strategy of governance.

Consequently, here I would like to remind Falun Dafa practitioners of an important point. Do not put your hope for "clearing Falun Dafa's name" in any ordinary people or the new leadership in the Chinese government. The ones that are truly capable of saving beings are Falun Dafa practitioners and the Fa. It is only the Fa and Dafa practitioners in the world that can restore Falun Dafa's reputation in a true sense. It is possible for the leadership in the Chinese government to clear Falun Dafa's name when they are faced with strong pressure for justice. It is, however, the result of Falun Dafa practitioners' joint efforts. Once "redressing of Falun Gong" takes place, it will help more people to clearly see the truth of Falun Dafa and the nature of this persecution.

I hope when everybody deals with this issue of clearing Falun Dafa's name, they do not let their human attachments get in the way. Also, it is important that you not go to extremes and let the evildoers take advantage of your weaknesses. As Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples, as long as our sacred mission is not completely accomplished and as long as there are people in the world that still do not understand the truth, we should remain vigilant. We should not be swayed by any change in the human world and we should persist in working to save all beings.