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Richmond Times Dispatch (Virginia) Letter to the Editor: Chinese Government Extends Persecution of Falun Gong to United States

November 09, 2004 |   By Tong Wang

October 26, 2004

As one of the many Falun Gong practitioners in America who have endured harassment from the Chinese consular officials in the past five years of persecution of Falun Gong, I was very encouraged to learn that on October 4 the House of Representatives unanimously passed House Concurrent Resolution 304 condemning the Chinese government's oppression of Falun Gong practitioners in the U.S. and in China.

Living thousands of miles away from China has not spared Falun Gong practitioners in this free country (Chinese and Western alike) from being negatively affected by the persecution. This resolution was introduced after representatives from the Chinese consulates intimidated and assaulted Falun Gong practitioners on U.S. soil and pressured local officials to rescind their support of Falun Gong. It is based on reports and investigations on the use of fear, intimidation, and oppression, sometimes connected with violence right here within the borders of our own country. The resolution also urges China to "cease using diplomatic missions in the United States to spread falsehoods about the nature of Falun Gong," a tactic used to erode international support.

I would like to thank all the U.S. Congressmen for their vote, especially Virginia Congressmen Frank Wolf, James Moran, and Tom Davis, who were co-sponsors of the resolution. It sends a strong message to China's leadership that interfering with basic freedoms in America is not acceptable. The tens of millions of people practicing Falun Gong want nothing more than to live healthily and peacefully and to contribute to the positive growth of society. We hope that, with the continued efforts as called upon by the resolution, no one in this nation will again be subject to abuse by a foreign government.