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Near Death from Cancer, I Awakened and Began Practicing Falun Dafa Again

December 20, 2004 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) My relationship with Falun Dafa started on January 4, 1997. After beginning the practice, I experienced how Master purified my body, the opening of my third eye, and the improvement of my xinxing. After the persecution began in 2000, I went to Tiananmen Square to clarify the truth; I hung up banners reading "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and "Falun Dafa is good" on the streets. I also made copies of truth-clarifying materials with my own money and distributed them.

After the Spring Festival in 2001, however, because I didn't understand the historic mission of Dafa disciples in the Fa-rectification period, and because I was led by my attachments, I thought that other fellow practitioners were getting involved in politics. I especially couldn't understand and accept the contents of some of the truth-clarifying materials. I thought wrongly that since Dafa was banned by the government, I would be getting involved in politics if I continued to study and practice.

I gave up studying the Fa and practicing in April 2001, and disposed of all my Dafa books and materials. Then in July of 2002, I was diagnosed with lung cancer, and in August I had an operation to remove the lower part of my left lung. At that time, many of my friends and relatives all said that I got cancer because I gave up practicing Falun Dafa, but I didn't accept it and refused to enlighten to it. During the past several years, I've had 13 chemotherapy treatments and spent over a hundred thousand yuan in medical fees. My life was filled with suffering.

In September of this year, my cancer started to spread and I went to the hospital for more chemotherapy treatments. I felt very disappointed and depressed, and lost confidence in everything. One day, a fellow practitioner came to my room by chance and told me many stories about practitioners recovering from cancer after practicing Falun Dafa. I said I had studied Dafa previously. She remembered that I had bought a lot of bread for fellow practitioners when they were held in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, in July 1999. She asked me why I didn't continue to study the Fa. I finally awakened and felt very regretful after she left.

I sat on the bed and conjoined my hands. I asked Master, "Master, will you still take care of me? I am very sorry." Then I felt a spinning in my lower abdomen and my hands became warm. How compassionate Master is! I have done so many things improperly, but Master didn't hold my faults against me, and still took care of me. I was very excited and told my mother about what happened. Then I asked my mother to get the book, The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa, from a friend.

My excitement was beyond words after reading the Dafa book. I was tempted to read it first in silence, then remembered that some practitioners said it is even more powerful to read it aloud, so I did it this way.

My left rib had become concave after the operation. My ribs were compressed and felt very painful due to the asymmetry of the ribs on both sides. But after I read the book out loud for a while, I felt my left rib rise and the pain disappear. I experienced the power of Dafa again. I slept a little that night, despite the fact that I should have two more chemotherapy treatments and only had two months more to live according to the diagnosis. I am a doctor in charge of my own case and so I am very knowledgeable about my disease. I decided to use the limited time I had to compensate for all that I had lost. I decided to believe in Master and follow the path that Master teaches us.

The second day after I went back home from the hospital, the area that had been operated on and my left breast had a very uncomfortable feeling that I'd never experienced before. I discharged a lot of material resembling Chinese herb tea the second day. One week later, I felt very good and since then I have recovered to be an entirely healthy person. Due to those years of medical treatment, my body felt very weak. No matter what season it was, I was afraid of the wind, my hands couldn't touch cold water, and my legs and feet were painful when I walked. My husband helped me to wash the clothes all the years that I was sick. Now I do it myself. I also cook meals and wash the dishes. I also feel very energetic when walking.

Because of pressure from Jiang's followers, my mother and sisters all gave up the practice of Falun Dafa. After witnessing Master's great compassion, they felt great remorse. They now have resumed practicing Dafa, and we've all made the decision to follow Master on the path of cultivation.