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Summary of Other Articles and News - January 21, 2004

February 02, 2004 |  


Persecution Stories -- Some Belated

1. In late May 2002, at Daqing City's Ranghu Road Dulitun Train Station, security officers searched the bags of Daqing City Dafa practitioner Ms. Shi Hongxia, in her 70s, and those of her husband and found a videotape and a VCD. Shi Hongxia and her husband's home was ransacked and they were sent to the Qiqihar Railroad Labor Camp. The perpetrators from the Daqing City Ranghu Road Dulitun Train Station and the Qiqihar Railroad Labor Camp extorted 6,000 Yuan from the elderly couple before releasing them.

2. My name is Li Qinghui, a woman living in Jilin City. Because I practiced Dafa, I was illegally detained for more than 30 days in 1999. In late October 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and was sentenced to one year of forced labor. I was savagely tortured and was forced to do slave labor. As a result I contracted severe heart disease. In January 2001, several practitioners and I were forced into exile in order to avoid further persecution. Later I was arrested two more times and held at different places. The bones in my right leg were shattered from the torture I received while in detention.

3. Village officials from Wangquan County, Hebei Province harassed Dafa practitioner Ms. Chi Guiying numerous times because she persisted in practicing Falun Gong. She was abducted and extorted 750 Yuan. On August 18, 2001 [Chinese lunar calendar], she was again abducted and sent to the Gaoyang Labor Camp, where many practitioners were tortured to death or to near death. In order to protest this persecution, Chi Guiying held a courageous hunger strike for 94 days and was finally released from the labor camp.

4. On January 6, 2002, [Chinese lunar calendar], Dafa practitioners Mr. Mu Qigui and Mr. Li Guilin from Suining City, Sichuan Province were arrested when distributing Dafa truth-clarification materials and were severely beaten. Later, they were transferred to Linquan Detention Center in Suining City and held there for 37 days. Then they were transferred to the Wujiawan Detention Center, where they were held for 18 days. They were released after their family paid 1,000 Yuan for parole. In November 2003, perpetrators from the "610 Office" went to Mu Qigui's home, trying to arrest him. Mu Qigui was forced to leave home. Li Guilin was arrested and savagely beaten by police. He suffered from severe pain, collapsed and was rushed to Suining City's Central Hospital for emergency care. After a one-week stay in the hospital he was forced to go into exile to avoid further persecution.

5. In the evening of December 7, 2004, a drunken guard, Wang Yanjie, male, from the Fushun Labor Camp, beat Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Donghui. After the beating, Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Donghui showed symptoms of a concussion and often experienced light-headedness and vomiting.

Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Huabo lived in Caopen Village, Dasiping Town, Xinbin County, Fushun City. He had the profession of a forester and was recognized with an award as "Best Forest Developer" by the city. Perpetrators from the government and the police department often harassed him because he practiced Falun Gong. He went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and was arrested and detained for two months. The Dasiping Town government extorted 10,000-Yuan "guarantee money" from him. One year later, when Zhang Huabo was released, he went to the town government and asked for his money back, but the government refused to give it to him. Mr. Zhang Huabo went to Beijing to appeal his case but was sentenced to three years of forced labor. He is currently being detained at the Fushun City Forced Labor Camp, and acres of forest are left uncared for.

6. My name is Du Mingliang. I am a 53-year-old woman. On December 25, 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal and was held under criminal detention four times. I was later transferred to the Judong Female Forced Labor Camp in Jiangsu Province, where I was held for two-and-a-half years followed by an extension of three more months. At the labor camp I was forced to stand for a long period of time and was not allowed to sleep. My right leg was injured from being kicked while in detention, but I resisted the inhuman tortures with righteous thoughts. Under Master's protection, I walked out of the labor camp on September 15, 2003.

7. Dafa practitioner Ms. Lou Yahong, an employee of Xuchang City's Heat And Power Plant in Henan Province was persecuted only because she spoke the truth and persisted in her belief of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. The perpetrators repeatedly ransacked her home, detained her and sent her to labor camps. In November 2001, she climbed on the Tiananmen Tower to validate Dafa. After she was arrested, she refused to give her name and address, and was held at a detention center in Beijing. She went on a hunger strike and was brutally tortured. With righteous faith in Dafa and feeling Master's benevolent protection, she left the labor camp two weeks later. In order to avoid further persecution, she was forced to leave home and live in exile.

8. Dafa practitioner Ms. Yu Shuang is a surgeon at the Longfeng Autonomous Power Plant Employee Hospital. The hospital is affiliated with the Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau. Dr. Yu was abducted and sent to Hongweixing Brainwashing Class in Daqing City. Because she refused to give up her belief, she was sent to the Longfeng District Detention Center, then was sentenced to three years of forced labor and was sent to Daqing City Labor Camp. During the detention, she was subjected to inhuman tortures such as the "immobilization chair" (an instrument of torture, also called an "iron chair," see illustration at http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/1/9/17577.html), with which she was tortured for seven days and seven nights. Her term was extended by three months, and she was tortured with "Tiger Bench" for four or five days. [also one of the torture methods used on practitioners. Practitioners' knees are tightly tied on a "Tiger Bench" [a small metal bench]. Usually some hard objects are inserted underneath the practitioner's lower legs or ankles to exacerbate the pain] Her eleventh rib was fractured and her eyeglasses were smashed from the beating she received. The broken glass cut her eyelids and caused profuse bleeding. Her whole face was swollen and bruised, and she suffered internal injuries. On January 6, 2004, Yu Shuang was sent to the Suihua City Labor Camp.

9. On February 3, 2002, Feng Bolin and Hou Wenge, the male deputy heads of Jinjia Town's Police Department in Changtu County, Tieling City, Liaoning Province chased Dafa practitioners who were clarifying the truth. Female practitioner Di Shuzhen fell. The police beat her with metal and wooden rods until she lost consciousness. Then the police left the scene. Di Shuzhen's family rushed her to No. 1 People's Hospital in Changtu County. An X-ray film revealed Di Shuzhen suffered from four broken ribs. One of them punctured her lung, causing it to collapse and fill with blood. A large quantity of bloody fluid had to be drawn from Di Shuzhen's lung during the surgery. Because of the vicious beating, Di Shuzhen still experiences frequent headaches, dizzy spells, and sometimes collapses to the ground and loses consciousness.

10. On October 1, 1999, Dafa practitioner Ms. Tian Yanpu from Handan City went to Beijing to appeal, and she was arrested and tortured. She was detained for one month and fired by her work unit. On September 4, 2001, the police hid near her home and tried to abduct her, but she escaped. The police threatened her husband to turn his wife in, or they would have him fired from his job and cut off his salary. They also extorted a 10,000 Yuan "fine" from Ms. Tian Yanpu's family. Oftentimes there are plainclothes police posted around her residential area. They had harassed her at home many times. Under tremendous psychological pressure, Tian Yanpu's husband filed for divorce. After living under threats and coercion, Tian Yanpu's husband fell ill with a stroke, high blood pressure and severe neurasthenia.