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Discussing the Issue of Cooperation Among Practitioners in Southeast Asia

March 06, 2004 |   By a Malaysian Practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Southeast Asia is heavily influenced by Confucian principles, so practitioners there are more introverted and quiet. Some practitioners do not share their experiences enough and some practitioners even distance themselves from others if they have disagreements. Some practitioners think that the situation in their local area is different from Mainland China, so most still remain at the self-cultivation stage. Isn't this a sign of the old forces' arrangements in Southeast Asia?

At this most important time of saving people, cooperation and organization among practitioners is very important! Teacher said in Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference, "At present there are some frictions among students, and you all need to watch out--you can't let minor things affect the important things that Dafa disciples are supposed to do. I'm going to tell you that no matter what kind of conflicts arise, or what kind of situations emerge, it's bound to be that we have gaps in ourselves. That's for sure. If there weren't a gap nobody could exploit it. When there's a xinxing friction among our students or disharmony when you're cooperating with each other, and it doesn't matter if it's something big or small, I'm telling you, it's definitely demons exploiting the gaps."

I suggest if it is at all possible, that practitioners attend more study groups and share their experiences more with fellow practitioners. Practitioners can open their hearts to make the energy field at study groups more compassionate and pure, and break through all the usual precautions and distances that only occur between ordinary people. Isn't this all caused by our attachments to self? Falun Dafa practitioners should improve as a group and also become aware of our own attachments. We should break through all the old forces' arrangements and notions, as well as the attachment to selfishness. In this rare opportunity, we should place ourselves firmly in the Fa-rectification and form a strong group.

The three things that Teacher wants us to do are all very important. All practitioners should think about how they can do better and should not find excuses for why they did not do well. Our duty is very important, as countless sentient beings have their hopes in us. Please do not bring disgrace to Dafa practitioners' great duty; please do not bring yourself eternal regrets.

The new cosmos is wonderful, and we must reach the standard for the new cosmos. The only way is to break through our selfishness, assimilate into Dafa and cultivate selflessness and altruism during this time of Fa-rectification.
