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Summary of Other Articles and News - March 29, 2004

April 16, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

In June 2000, police officer Li Wanlong arrested Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Wenjun in Jilin City because he practiced Falun Gong. After being detained in the Jilin Third Detention Center for 28 days, Li Wenjun was sentenced to two years of hard labor at the Jilin Forced Labor Camp. He was cruelly tortured. It is not known when he was released. On March 17, 2004, police officers from Wenchang Police Station of Changyi Public Security arrested Li Wenjun and two female practitioners. Later, they were sent to the Jilin Third Detention Center. Li and one of the female practitioners went on a hunger strike to protest the unlawful arrest. The detention center is about to send them to Jilin Mental Hospital for force-feeding.

Because she practices Falun Gong, Ms. Qie Lili, a teacher from Shijiazhuang City, was arrested several times and deeply suffered from being persecuted. At the end of 2000, she escaped from the police station and was forced to become homeless for three years. She was arrested again and inhumanly tortured and subjected to brainwashing. Her elderly father became ill and died, as he was unable to endure the police's constant threats. On February 28, 2004, police from Xinhua Branch Station in Shijiazhuang again arrested Ms. Qie. She is now being detained at the Second Detention Center in Shijiazhuang.

Because of practicing Falun Gong, a Dafa practitioner couple, Zhang Qingsheng and Sun Yuhua, along with their daughter, Zhang Hui, from Halerbin City, were arrested. They now suffer even more deeply as the persecution has caused the death of one of their family members. This persecution broke the family apart. On January 14, 2004 Sun Yuhua was arrested and sent to a national security brigade for interrogation. Unable to get her to give them any information, they sent her to the Hulan Second Detention Center and from there she was sent to the First Detention Center. Sun Yuhua went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. On March 8, 2004 she passed away in the Hulan First Hospital after 55 days of cruel torture. On the same day, Sun Yuhua, Zhang Hui's eighteen-year-old daughter was arrested. They interrogated her for four days, trying to force her to incriminate her parents. On January 18, Zhang Hui was sent to the Harerbin Second Detention Center. On February 26 she was sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. In November 2003, Zhang Qingsheng was arrested and sentenced to a three-year prison term, just because he told people the truth about Falun Gong.

Simply because he told people the truth about Falun Gong, Mr. Zheng Ping, a sixty year old Senior Engineer from Shijiazhuang, was arrested numerous times and was inhumanly tortured. The police ransacked his home and confiscated his personal belongings. He was forced to pay over 7,000 Yuan (1) over the years. He was unlawfully arrested nine times, viciously beaten by policemen at the Yudong Police Station, and sentenced to three years of forced labor. Under the inhuman treatments in the labor camp, his health deteriorated and he had to be released for medical treatment. While he was being treated in the hospital, the labor camp personnel tried to arrest him again. He was forced to leave his home and go from place to place for over two years to avoid being further persecuted. On February 28, 2004 the Huaide Police Station from the Shijiazhuang Yuhua Bureau arrested him. He is now undergoing brainwashing.

In January 2000 Ms. Jiang Chunyun, a Dafa practitioner from Songyuan City, after reading an article in the Songyuan Daily News that slandered our Teacher, went to the Songyuan Daily News to clarify the truth. She was arrested and detained for 15 days. On May 13, 2000 she went to Tiananman Square to validate Dafa and was arrested. She went on an over 20 day hunger strike while being held in the Chongxiang Detention Center. During the detention, she was tortured severely. At the end of May, because of her deteriorating health she was granted early medical release and her family was allowed to take her home. However, after only a few days, the director of the Tuanjie Police Station arrested her again and sent her to the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun for one year of hard labor. In February 2003, Ningjiang Security Bureau took her back to the detention center. In May, she and another practitioner, Ms. Chen Lihua, were secretly sentenced to five-year prison terms. At present, she is being held in the Heizuizi Labor Camp.

On May 30, 2002, director Sun Bingren, and deputy director Feng Guozhu, of Political and Security at the Ningjiang First Branch Bureau, together with the captain of the 110 Criminal Police Brigade, went to the employee's hospital of the Jiangnan Oil Field to arrest Dafa practitioners Wang Jiangmin, Wang Xiaoxin, and Wang Xiaoguang. Wang Jiangmin was sentenced to a four-year prison term. His whereabouts are not known. Wang Xiaoguang became comatose after being tortured for 53 days. He has been released for treatment and his whereabouts are also unknown. Wang Xiaoxin was forced to renounce practicing Dafa and thus was set free.

On November 3, 1999, Mr. Wu Chunlong, a Dafa practitioner from Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province, was sentenced to three years of forced labor, just because he refused to give up practicing Dafa. At the end of 2003 he was sentenced to another three years of forced labor. To get visiting privileges with his son, Wang Chunglong's father was forced to spend nearly 20,000 Yuan in a three year period. Wu Chunlong and his father had to move five times within one-year period (between the end of 2002 and 2003) to avoid harassment by the police.

Perpetrators and Their Vicious Deeds

On January 29, 2004 police from the Congtai Police Branch Station in Handan City, led by An Zhenzhi, section head of the Political and Security Bureau, harassed and arrested Dafa practitioners. At eight o'clock that night, they surrounded the home of Dafa practitioner Zhang Yiner. She refused to open the door. Police used an iron bar to force it open and enter her house. They searched her home and stole 1,200 Yuan. Two people that visited during the New Year celebration were arrested and sent to a detention center.

(1) Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.