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Taiwan: Practitioners Hold Falun Gong Seminars in Sanxing Prison

April 19, 2004 |   Written by Dafa disciples from Ilan, Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) In sharp contrast to the situation of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China, who are detained, brainwashed, and tortured by Jiang's regime, many Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan have visited various prisons, holding seminars and classes to teach prisoners about Falun Gong.

In Ilan, Taiwan, every Monday afternoon since December 2000, local practitioners have gone to Sanxing Prison to introduce Falun Gong and the principles of "Zhen-Shan-Ren" (Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance) to the staff and detainees. The practitioners have been welcomed and praised by both the prison authorities and the detainees. Some people who are imprisoned for drug rehabilitation have started to read the book Falun Gong to cultivate their body and mind and have begun practicing the Falun Gong exercises to improve their health and strengthen their bodies. The prisoners also introduce Zhuan Falun to their families.

Many Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan benefit from practicing Falun Gong physically and mentally, so they are pleased to introduce Falun Gong to others in society. One Taiwan practitioner Mr. Wu said, "Falun Gong emphasizes cultivation of mind and doesn't stick to any formalities. Though these detainees are here because they have violated the law, they should also have chance to hear and practice this 'Great Law.'" Soon after local practitioners met the Director of the Educational Division of Sanxing Prison for the first time and introduced Falun Dafa to him, he decided to invite practitioners to hold a nine-day class to help prisoners study the Dafa books and learn the practice of Falun Dafa.

At the beginning of the class, the detainees were quite disorderly, but by the 6th day, the atmosphere had greatly improved. After the nine-day class finished, the Director of the Education at Sanxing Prison expressed his appreciation and felt touched by Falun Gong practitioners because of the changes the detainees experienced. The Director of the Educational Division said, "For the first few days, I had to dispense punishments. But amazing things started happening on the 6th day. For the last 4 days, I haven't had to punish anyone and the conflicts have disappeared." He said that it is really remarkable how the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" that Falun Gong teaches can purify the stubborn hearts of the detainees after only a nine-day class.

Because of this early success, the director of the Educational Division drafted a plan. Usually two months before the detainees are released, the prison arranges to teach them some skills to prepare them for life outside the prison after their release. Falun Gong is now one of the courses offered during this time. It is hoped that detainees can finish three 3-hour-long classes of Falun Gong lecture series before they are released. In addition, in the prison's factory, there will be a course of one and half hours each week, which includes studying Falun Gong books, such as Zhuan Falun, Hongyin, Essentials for Further Advancement, experience sharing, watching videos and practicing the Falun Gong exercises.

Local Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu said that detainees often borrow the Zhuan Falun book that was provided to the prison. Besides the fixed class time, detainees also study the book and practice the exercises after they go back to their dorms. Some detainees ask practitioners for Falun Gong books and materials about practice sites so that they can introduce Falun Gong to their families and friends, and also so that they can continue practicing after they are released.

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chen said, "Falun Gong is such a great cultivation method that helps people purify their hearts and helps society become peaceful. Falun Gong has been practiced in over 60 countries worldwide and received over 1,000 proclamations and support letters from government officials in many countries. However, Jiang's regime has told lies to defame Falun Gong in China and fabricated lies such as the staged 'self-immolation' on Tiananmen Square and the made-up case of poisoning beggars to death, as well as others, and has caused countless people to misunderstand Falun Gong. The selfless contributions of practitioners only aim to tell the world's people the facts about Falun Gong, and the practitioners want Falun Dafa to bring a bright future to more people."

Written on March 24, 2004