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Summary of Other Articles and News - April 7, 2004

April 19, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

The perpetrators at Jiamusi Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province brutally torture Dafa practitioners. On May 13, 2001, the guards beat Dafa practitioner Zhang Lie, Yang Lijuan, Luo Guihua and Cao Yaju. Cao Yaju suddenly started convulsing and Luo Guihua collapsed to the ground. They were later cuffed to a bed for ten days. When they were finally released, they were emaciated and couldn't use their hands for a long time. On October 26, 2002, the perpetrators began brainwashing determined Dafa practitioners. Practitioner Su Yanhua, who is in her 50's, was beaten until she could no longer walk, while practitioner Feng Guifen had a heart attack and lost consciousness. Practitioner Li Guoyun was tortured using the method of "Carrying a Sword in the Back" for more than ten hours, leaving his hands disabled. [The practitioner's hands are tied behind his back with one hand over the shoulder and the other hand against the lower back. The police then apply a great deal of force to pull the two hands toward one another and handcuff the two hands together] Practitioner Chen Pingzhen could not use one of her hands, and her legs were disabled from the torture.

The perpetrators at Fushun Labor Camp in Liaoning Province kicked and beat Dafa practitioners. I was tortured with a method called "Flying the Airplane." [Standing with one's back against the wall, one's head dropped forward, and both hands pulled up from behind] I was also forced to squat, and was beaten and kicked until my face became deformed. My legs and body was black and blue. Sixty-eight year old practitioner Sang Shuqing from Qingyuan had been on a hunger strike for seven days when the collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who turned against Dafa after torture and brainwashing] beat her and banged her head against the heat radiator. Practitioner Jia Qinggui was beaten until his face became deformed. The perpetrators made him "Fly the Airplane" and at the same time they hit his head with a wooden stick. They banged his head against the heat radiator and the edge of a metal bed. They struck him until he lost consciousness.

On February 3, 2004, Dafa practitioner Jin Guihua from Yongnian, Hebei Province was abducted and interrogated by the head of Criminal Police Group of Handan City Police Department and people from the Yongnian County Criminal Police Group. On the next day, the police officers put three black plastic bags over Jin Guihua's head and tightened them. Then they pinned her to the ground so that she couldn't breathe. They put a chair on her back and slammed a hammer against the sole of her feet. Then they hit the soles of her feet with a wooden plank with nails on it. Jin Guihua passed out several times from the pain. Later, they cuffed her to a bed and pulled both her legs in opposite directions, which caused excruciating pain. Jin Guihua is being held at No. 2 Detention Center of Handan City.

The Changli County government and police department in Hebei Province have held four years of brainwashing classes. The county head Song Fulin is in charge of the class, while Wang Hui, the head of police department and Zhang Xueping are currently taking charge of the brainwashing class, where Dafa practitioners are brainwashed in groups. Guo Yuting's wife Liu Aihua was arrested when her child was one month old. The perpetrators beat her for several hours and didn't allow her to breast-feed her baby.

Guo Yuting was detained at the brainwashing class for more than three years. He was tortured until he became very skinny and disoriented; but the perpetrators refused to release him. Practitioner Zhang Guiying, in her 60s, was detained in solitary confinement, where she was forced to sit on a chair facing the wall, and she was watched even when she went to the restroom. She was not allowed to talk to other people and was deprived of her personal freedom.

Dafa practitioner Xu Xiaoguo from Chengguan Town, Xingyang City, Zhenzhou Area, Henan Province was sent to Baimiao Labor Camp in Zhenzhou City in February 2004. The guards at Group Three of the labor camp force-fed him large amounts of highly concentrated salt water at midnight six days after his hunger strike. The guards denied him sleep from March 9, and they have been trying to force him to write the "three statements" to give up Dafa for the last two weeks .

Dafa practitioner Gao Xiaoping from Changyi City, Shandong Province was detained numerous times for practicing Dafa and was brutally tortured. She was forced to leave home and her husband, who is not a practitioner, was abducted by the police because she escaped an attempted arrest. He was detained for 15 days. The perpetrators from the town government and police station went to her home to harass her and her family during a holiday. Because of this, Gao Xiaoping cannot return home, and her child, who is not even ten years old, is left in the care of her 70-year-old grandmother. A happy family was broken up by the perpetrators.

A practitioner writes: My name is Wang Shuhua. I am 39 years old and I work at Guanxian County Cotton and Linen Company in Shandong Province. I used to suffer from severe lumbar vertebra illness and could not take care of myself. I also suffered from stomach disease, chronic tonsillitis and lymphatic infection. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, all of my illnesses disappeared. In October 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal. I was abducted and sent to Guanxian County Detention Center. Authorities extorted 1,000 yuan from my family before I was released. On October 28, 2000 my work unit officials forced me to attend a brainwashing class. In March 2002, I was forced to leave home. Several days after I left, the police broke into my home and ransacked it. They then sentenced me to three years of forced labor. The perpetrators constantly went to my home to harass my family and asserted tremendous psychological pressure on my husband and child.

Perpetrators and Their Crimes

Perpetrators from Zhijiang County in Hunan Province, including the "610 Office" and Politics and Security Division of the Police Department, monitored Dafa practitioners and tapped Dafa practitioners' phones. They withheld the practitioners' salaries, sent them to labor camps and tortured them until they suffered mental breakdowns. Dafa practitioner Wei Xiangbo was sentenced to four years in prison, and the police abducted three practitioners, including Lei Jianli.