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Solemn Declarations by Dafa Practitioners

May 14, 2004 |  


Solemn Declaration

On September 29, 2000, eight practitioners and I, with my eleven year old son, went to appeal for Falun Gong in Beijing. When we just reached Tiananmen Square, we were surrounded by a group of policemen. One policeman asked us to say some swear words about our Teacher, and we refused to cooperate. As a result, they grabbed and put us into a police car and sent us to a jail, which I don't remember the name of. For 24 hours, we could only squat there. No food was provided and no sleep was allowed. The next day, I was picked up by a person from my workplace and was directly sent to a local detention center. Because I refused to write a "Guarantee Statement," I was later sent to the brainwashing center after I served a term in the detention center. However, facing threats and promises from my husband, I finally agreed. I wrote a "Guarantee Statement" and turned in all the Dafa materials. I committed mistakes that totally betrayed my belief. I failed Teacher's compassionate salvation and expectation. I felt extremely sorrowful, and even hated my name. I am grateful that Teacher gave me this opportunity. I solemnly declare that the things I said and wrote against Dafa and Teacher during the brainwashing sessions are null and void. From now on, I will follow Teacher closely and I will do the three things well and become advance diligently in the Fa.

By Wang Xiuzhi

April 18, 2004

(From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/4/19/72728.html)

Solemn Declaration

At the end of 1999, when Jiang's regime began the persecution of Falun Gong [also called Falun Dafa]-- that blotted out the sky and covered up the earth -- because of a lack of deep understanding and firm foundation in the Fa, under a great pressure from my workplace, and in order to protect my career, I wrote and read a statement that contained the same tone as the government propaganda material at a help group meeting held by the Party propaganda department. At that time, I turned in my copy of Zhuan Falun [book containing the main teachings of Falun Dafa]. At the same time, officials at a residential police station came to my home, collected my ID card, and asked me to write a letter declaring I would not to go Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Without reading the contents in the letter, I signed it. From the end of 1999 to early 2000, the residential police required local Dafa practitioners to come to the station to hand-copy an article that slandered Falun Gong, in order to record their handwriting. I did it by following their orders.

In the spring of 2000, a practitioner was in custody because of appealing for Falun Gong in Beijing. I was involved in this incident because we were co-workers. I did not understand why my co-worker had such behavior. In a meeting, I pointed out the burden caused by my co-worker on me and to my workplace. I asked my co-worker to sign a "Guarantee Statement." As a result, I signed the "Guarantee Statement" again at my workplace and my co-worker was set free from the detention center.

In 2002, before the Sixteenth Party Congress meeting, my family and I were disturbed again by the street officials, although I had realized by then that I should not sign the "Guarantee Statement" again. Before this incidence, with encouragements from other practitioners and help from the local police, I went to appeal in Beijing without notifying my workplace. However, after exchanging the local police officer, the street officials again came my home and asked me to sign the "Guarantee Statement." I continued to tell her how good Falun Gong is. However, to avoid trouble in the future, my husband, a non-practitioner, wrote "Does not practice Falun Gong anymore," and signed my name and handed it to her. Although I did not write the statement, I did not stop my husband. Compromising with them again and again still did not stop them from continuing to disturb my family.

After four years of persecution, more and more Dafa practitioners come out to protect their faith. They persisted in their practice of Falun Gong and defended this universal law. Some of them even devoted their lives to it. I saw the greatness of the Fa and Teacher's compassionate salvation, and felt strongly that I was behind in the Fa-rectification process. I was in pain, and gravely regretted what I had done, which had let down Teacher and Dafa. I solemnly declare to the whole world: All the things I did including the "Repentance Statement," the "Criticizing Statement," and the "Guarantee Statement" against Dafa are null and void. I am determined to follow the Fa-rectification progress, treasure the latest opportunity given by Teacher, devote my life to make up for the wrong things I have done. I will firmly follow the path arranged by Teacher and refuse the old arrangements, and become a Dafa practitioner during the Fa-rectification period.

By Sun Lianying

March 30, 2004

(From http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/4/21/72855.html)