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"Cross-Country Van Tour to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice" Receives Media Attention and Public Support (Photos)

May 17, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 12, the "Cross-Country Van Tour to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice" visited three California cities: Fresno, Bakersfield and Santa Barbara. The van tour attracted attention from the local media and received support from local residents as well.

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Local citizens learning Falun Gong in front of Fresno's City Hall

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Media interview with practitioners who were demonstrating some of the torture methods used by Jiang's regime to persecute Falun Gong practitioners

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Clarifying truth of Falun Gong to passersby

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Bakersfield media interviewing a practitioner

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Bakersfield FOX local TV Videotaping a practitioner who was doing Falun Gong exercises

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Santa Barbara residents learning Falun Gong

In front of the City Halls of these three cities, the van tour demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and showed some of the torture methods used in China to persecute practitioners. Several local media came to interview practitioners and many people learned the Falun Gong exercises.

In Bakersfield, at the very beginning of his interview, a reporter said that he thought that the torture methods demonstration was political. After practitioners clarified truth of the persecution to him, the reporter said that the Chinese authorities should not persecute Falun Gong and suggested that practitioners should let more people know about the persecution.

When the van tour arrived in Santa Barbara, it was about 5 p.m. and there were many tourists on the plaza in front of City Hall. When they saw the practitioners doing the Falun Gong exercises, they came over to learn. After the practice, they said that they felt very relaxed and comfortable. When they learned that people were being persecuted and even killed in China for doing these exercises, they said that they couldn't understand why such a practice would be persecuted.

One passerby said that the Falun Gong exercises were so good and that it should not be persecuted. He said that he would tell more people about the persecution, and he believed they would all support Falun Gong. When the event concluded, this passerby helped practitioners to move the props back to the practitioners' car and was very reluctant to see them off.