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Spain: Many People Learn About Falun Dafa on World Falun Dafa Day (Photos)

May 25, 2004 |   By a Spanish practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Around the time of the Fifth World Falun Dafa Day, practitioners from different parts of Spain held many celebrations and promotional activities to let more people know about Falun Dafa and the persecution that has been taking place in Mainland China.

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This 6-year-old boy and his grandparents, parents and 10-year-old sister signing their names on a poster to support Falun Gong and to call for an end to the persecution.

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Almost everyone who learned about the facts of Falun Dafa and the persecution did not hesitate to sign the petition in support of Falun Gong.

On May 13, practitioners from Madeira took part in a Book Exhibition Conference held in the city center. Activities included exercise demonstrations, and many people had the opportunity to learn the truth about the persecution in China. The Falun Dafa booth was set up at the exhibition entrance located at the crossroads of two major avenues. This was also a tourist spot frequently visited by crowds of tourists, as well as by local people who came to see the exhibition.

A photographic display showed the journey of Falun Dafa, from its introduction in China in 1992 to Dafa's flourishing all over China and being practiced by one hundred million people around the world. The photos also portrayed Jiang's regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong beginning in 1999, and showed the various tortures Dafa practitioners are suffering in China. Also shown were images of Dafa practitioners' persistent and peaceful appeals around the world. Every photograph told a true story that touched people's hearts. Everyone who learned the truth did not hesitate to sign a petition to give their support. Some were families or classmates, some were young couples, some were older people who have been through a lot and others were children. When a person in a wheelchair passed by, he did not wait for his companion's help and struggled to get out of the wheelchair and tried to walk to the signature collection board to sign his name. All of them were sending out the same wish: End the persecution!

There were also a lot of people who wanted to practice Falun Gong after they learned the truth. One after another, they came to ask where to find the free exercise classes.

On this great occasion celebrated by heaven and earth, people were fortunate to learn about Falun Dafa, and to understand and acknowledge the universal principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance."

Their support for Falun Gong upheld justice in the conflict between righteousness and evil, and also laid a foundation leading to a wonderful future. We were happy for these people. We are doing our best to make the most of every opportunity to let more people learn about Falun Dafa.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200405/19802.html