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Summary of Other Articles and News - May 10, 2004

May 25, 2004 |  


Facts About the Persecution

[Panshi City, Jiling Provin] On April 26 and 27 of 2004, the city's policemen unlawfully searched Dafa practitioners' residences. They searched those Dafa practitioners' homes whose name appeared on a list provided by the local "610 Office" (1). They searched over 10 Dafa practitioners' residences in Panshi City, Hongchiling Township, Mingchen Township, Jichang Township and Yentongshan Township. Everything with any connection to Dafa was confiscated. Eight Dafa practitioners including Chian Xiai, Li Yeping, Sun Fenglang and some others were arrested and detained at Dongshan Detention Center. Later on one of them escaped with righteous thoughts.

[Shenli Oil Field] Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Shaohua has been seriously persecuted for a long time. He was sent to the Wang Village Brainwashing Center and endured great mental and physical suffering. Later on he escaped from the center and became homeless in order to escape arrest from his home. Policemen and other officials harassed his parents and other relatives. Under extreme pressure, his wife divorced him. Wang Shaohua was arrested in his hometown in Jiansu Province on October 25, 2003 and was sent to the Shenli Oil Field Brainwashing Center. In February of 2004, he was returned to the Wang Village Brainwashing Center. After more than 2 months of torture, he developed severe health problems. The "610 Office" at Shenli Oil Field brought him back, and detained and persecuted him at the Shenli Oil Field Brainwashing Center.

[Xijiazhuan, Hebei Province] Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Liqun, around 30 years old, was persecuted by the authorities. He had to leave home and go from place to place to avoid persecution. During the 2004 Chinese Lunar New Year period, the Yuhua Police Station of Xijiazhuan City sent out police to surround his residence. He fell from the third floor when he tried to avoid their unlawful arrest. His legs and feet were seriously injured. The policemen barely treated his injuries and sent him to the Public Security Bureau of Hebei Province. He was detained in the Yuhua Police Station for more than 20 days. Thus, his treatment was delayed. Liu Liqun is back home now, but he is permanently handicapped. Even under such circumstances, the Yuhua Station still monitors him at his residence.

[Wenling City, Zhejian Province] On May 4, 2004, policemen from Rouhen Township searched the residence of Dafa practitioner Wang Suyun. When some Dafa materials were found, the policemen called in another 20 people and arrested Wang and her husband. They took them to Rouhen Township Police Station, where they physically and verbally abused the couple. That afternoon, Wang's husband was released. Currently, Ms. Wang's whereabouts are unknown.

[Zhenjian, Jiansu Province] Dafa practitioner Lu Bagen has been arrested, detained, has been subjected to brainwashing and sent to forced labor over the past several years. He suffered from both mental humiliation and physical abuse. Female Dafa practitioner Shia Yulan was forcibly arrested and sent to a brainwashing center. Because she refused to sign the written guarantee to give up the practice of Falun Dafa, she was brutally beaten. Her body was covered with injuries, and she was beaten to the point of incontinence. Her life is in grave danger.

(1) "610 Office" is a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches.