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Doing Things Freely and Cultivating Diligently

May 30, 2004 |   By Li Mingzhen


I deeply feel that Master's teachings contain profound expectations and infinite benevolence for each Fa-rectification practitioner. What we are doing today is what is required and to be achieved for the future. The graveness and seriousness of its nature is beyond our imagination. It will be a loss if a Fa-rectification practitioner has not thoroughly brought the sincerity and energy of his or her life into play to validate Dafa and harmonize the cosmos, and has not attained the "righteous enlightenment of selflessness and altruism." As the pure standard of the new cosmos is as solid as diamond, it will never compromise because of the omissions of any being, and only such a being is able to be worthy of the unprecedented resplendence of the new epoch. Each particle must assimilate to it unconditionally, to be able to become the embodiment of it, and be benevolent to infinite sentient beings.

I think the following two points must be the concern of a qualified Fa-rectification practitioner:

1. Comprehensive examination of one's resources

Our history and current lives are for the Fa, and were formed because of the Fa. Only by clearly recognizing this can one achieve a more rational understanding of one's strengths, interests, interpersonal relationships and other resources in the human world. After thoroughly reviewing ourselves, looking for the fundamentals and breakthrough points, then summing them up and putting them into practice, our paths in the future will perhaps be greatly broadened. However, we should not simply imagine doing this. Instead, it would be better to take some tranquil time every day to think deeply, and to review the losses and gains each week. On the issue of whether we have attachments or not, where the base point lies is key for point our appraisal, rather than the form of manifestations. Some practitioners have good interpersonal relationships, some have good pubic speaking skills, some are good at coordinating, etc. These are precious resources and assets prepared for us to find the accurate breakthrough points in saving people, and are formed according to our inborn nature and wishes. I think, to achieve this, one should assimilate to the Fa, break through the limitations, recognise the current situation as well as one's advantages, and make the maximum use of these resources at will. One should not ignore one's individual cultivation of xinxing (heart, mind nature, moral character) while participating in the Fa-rectification. In Zhuan Falun, Master taught the story of Han Xin being "humiliated by crawling under someone's legs." To become a great talent, one must be able to endure humiliation in order to carry out an important task. In order to achieve this, in some special period, we can discipline ourselves with the external force of bearing the heavenly mission of assisting Master in Fa-rectification. But it will be quicker and more thorough to achieve this state by doing things out of our heart-nature, rather than being negatively disciplined. For this we will need to put enough effort into individual xinxing cultivation and have the Fa in our hearts at all times. In addition, we must enhance our understanding of the mission of Fa-rectification.

2. Grasp the current situation accurately

Clearwisdom Net provides us with comprehensive, first-hand information which is extremely precious, in particular Master's lectures and the current overall environment. How much effort and blood have fellow practitioners sacrificed for creating such a holy miracle! Master has a long time ago emphasized the importance of Clearwisdom Net, but I feel quite a few practitioners, including myself in the past, did not make the maximum use of it. In terms of grasping the overall environment both in China and overseas, Clearwisdom Net provides very significant materials. Some practitioners select the articles to read, and even when there is not much difficulty in accessing this information, practitioners have such omissions as favouring some articles and picking those they like. However, this at least exposes whether their heart and mind are broad. Though they did not totally ignore this aspect, their potential was not fully put into use, and their way of thinking was not broadened. From the global perspective, many significant events play key roles in the overall advancement of Fa-rectification, and we must solidly grasp them. With respect to each particle, we should find the opportunities and in particular, pay attention to the environment around us, such as family, community and even the passers-by. Whether it is a word, a matter or an event, it has great significance for the Fa-rectification. What we are short of are not opportunities, but the clear vision to find and examine our opportunities. What matters is not the length of time but how efficiently we use the time. What matters is not the response of the listener but the character of the speaker. If our heart could be calmer while being busy, if we can have more wisdom while doing Dafa work, if we can have more benevolence in each second, our way of thinking, our mindset, and our mission will surely not disappoint Master and the expectation of the sentient beings. The more truthful and more righteous we are, the broader our path will be, and the more refinement our work we will achieve.

Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

May 12, 2004