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Tragedy in the Classroom -- The Attack on the Chinese Educational System Resulting From the Persecution Policies By Jiang and His Followers Against Falun Gong (I)

June 10, 2004 |   By Clearwisdom reporter Li Ming

(Clearwisdom.net) In the not so distant past, China's educational system was rocked by the turbulence of a political campaign known as the "Cultural Revolution." During that time, students were dragged into the political turmoil surrounding the nation and classrooms lost their environment for quiet study while teachers lost their lecture podiums. The Chinese people will not forget the huge trauma that the Cultural Revolution brought to the nation, to teachers and to students. In a similar tactic, Jiang and his followers have created a systematic approach to incite public hatred and poison the young minds of the nation against Falun Gong, thus affecting the entire Chinese population and not just Falun Gong practitioners.

In the beginning of 2004, Jiang Zemin encouraged his confidant, Chen Zhili, the current Secretary of the Department of Education, to start a campaign throughout the nation's educational system under the slogan, "Fight the XX (slanderous words omitted) and Alert the Educational System!" Chen Zhili created the slogan, "Fight the XX," to defame Falun Gong, a peaceful practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, to incite hatred and to form support for Jiang's persecution policies. This is the second time that Jiang and his followers have attempted to poison and corrupt Chinese youth since 2001, when they conducted the "One Million Signature" campaign to attack Falun Gong.

I. Jiang and His Followers Poisoned More Than 367 Million Students through the Chinese Educational System.

In the five years that Jiang's regime has conducted its persecution against Falun Gong, people have recognized their repeated lies, the international community has widely condemned the atrocities and people around the world are suing the perpetrators. In China, more and more people have begun to understand the facts about Falun Gong, and it has become more difficult for Jiang to continue to persecute the group. In a desperate attempt initiated at the beginning of this year, Jiang's followers once again tried to interfere with the nation's educational system by fabricating lies and inciting hatred against Falun Gong on the part of the students around the country.

The Scale Is Nationwide

According to Clearwisdom.net, the campaign to, "Fight the XX and Alert the Educational System" movement was well planned and documented. It encompasses colleges, high schools, middle schools and elementary schools throughout the nation. This means that the campaign had a target audience of all young people 18 years and younger, which totals 367 million young people, according to the Chinese official statistics. As can be seen from the following examples, the campaign spread quickly throughout the country.

Young people are innocent members of society. They learn from the society and the world around them about how to be a human being, and as such they are the future of the nation. Yet in China, Jiang and his followers have instilled lies and hatred in this precious resource, teaching them at such a young age to have hatred for the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. This has caused great damage to their future growth and to the health of the nation.

The Voice from Parents' Hearts

Many parents have also become very concerned with these events, as they appear to be creating a familiar and oppressive environment, which their parents experienced during the Cultural Revolution. The following is a letter written by a parent to a principal regarding the fact that schools are teaching students to hate Falun Gong:

"After reading some anti-Falun Gong materials that a child (studying in Guangzhou) of a good friend of mine used for study at school, and also hearing from that child what their teachers had told them in school, I did not know how to describe my feelings. At first I thought, why would they force these defamatory and distorted ideas into such young and innocent minds? I also became very concerned with the situation in this school.

I do not know what is in the minds of these so-called educators but I query why they bring into an institution of learning propaganda whose sole purpose is to misinform and keep our children's minds downtrodden and controlled. They are poisoning our next generation. When Falun Gong's name is eventually upheld in the future, how will we deal with a society full of confused adults and teenagers who have been trained to think inside a tiny box of lies?

Although I do not know what your opinion of Falun Gong is, I and many of my friends (especially those who have traveled abroad), all know that this attack is one of the biggest injustices in human history. The call is getting louder and louder in the international community to stop the persecution of Falun Gong and to punish Jiang Zemin. In fact Jiang himself is being sued in the courts in many countries around the world.

Our company has some Falun Gong practitioners too. All of them have been grossly mistreated, while in reality they are all outstanding people with excellent moral character.

I know that you and many of your staff are dedicated teaching professionals so I know that you will understand when I say please remember the bitter lessons that we have learned from the Cultural Revolution. A person should never bury his conscience and poison innocent children in order to simply keep his job. Children are the hope of the future. If they all become people who only know how to make money but cannot distinguish between truth and lies, right and wrong, what would become of this society? Please inform those in your school who have conducted or tried to conduct any activities defaming Falun Gong: Stop poisoning our children. Remember the lessons from the Cultural Revolution, and that good is rewarded with good and evil brings its due return."

(To be continued)

(1) The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.