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Summary of Other Articles and News - June 7, 2004

June 23, 2004 |  


Persecution Facts

Guangdong province Yangjiang prison detains twenty some Falun Gong practitioners. Two among them, Mr. Chen Wenjie and Mr. Li Jinghui were violently persecuted by convicts as instigated by prison police. Both of them are in critical condition now.

Jinzhou (Liaoning Province) practitioner Mr. Liu Wansheng has been on a hunger strike for more than fifty days protesting his unlawful detention at Jinzhou forced labor camp. His elderly mother went together with her daughter-in-law Ms. Zhou Hua (also a practitioner) to the camp to visit Mr. Liu. The camp police refused to allow them see Mr. Liu and then put Ms. Zhou in custody as well. Later the camp colluded with Jinhua Police Station to transfer her for further detention. Ms. Zhou Hua's whereabouts are unknown.

My name is Jia Jingwen and I am a male practitioner at Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. For practicing Falun Gong, I have been forced into detention many times and tortured by brutal hitting and beating. On October 27, 1999, due to my appealing in Beijing, I was abducted to Longfeng Guesthouse for punishment. Jinhua police station head Wan Hui and policeman Luo Ying, together with others, forcefully undressed me and then whipped my private part with a belt while Luo was shouting, "We are hooligans." Huang Dawei incited some policemen to insert a stinky sports shoe into my mouth, forcing me to take in the rotten smell. They also tied my private parts with a string, and then they violently jerked the string upward. This type of persecution lasted for a long time until I vomited. On April 27, 2004, for hanging a Falun Dafa banner, I was arrested and two days later sentenced to forced labor at Jinzhou Forced Labor Camp. Since then, I have been on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention.

My name is Zhang Sujie, and I am a practitioner from Liaoning province Huludao City. After July 20, 1999, all those who had practiced Falun Gong in our village were taken to the local police station for torture. On June 20, 2000, I went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to peacefully appeal, but was unlawfully detained for one month under the accusation of "disturbing public security and destroying social order." Then they transferred me to the village government where I was held in custody for seven days while I suffered tremendous physical and mental abuse. My family members were extorted 1,000 yuan (1) as bail for my release.

I am Wang Shuqian, a 76 year old retired ex-officer of a construction company in Xianning City, Hubei Province. Since July 20, 1999, due to my firm cultivation practice of Falun Gong, I have been abducted many times by the public security bureau. From May 24 to the end of October 2000, I was under house arrest for five months. On July 10, 2002 for meditating by the roadside in front of the TV tower, I was taken into interrogation by Wenquan No. 1 Bridge police station. The next day, I was sent home under guard and they locked my front door to prevent me from getting out of my apartment.

Practitioner Mr. Kong Xiantong is a resident of Xuzhang Village, Wennan County, Xintai City, Shandong Province. He previously had illnesses such as lower back and leg pain, stomach trouble, chest pains, constipation, and rectal bleeding. After practicing Falun Gong, he became healthy without any need from medicine. On October 27, 2002, he was taken by force to Xintai City police station for keeping some Falun Gong materials that he found at home. After one month of detention, Mr. Kong was transferred to Zibowangcun Forced Labor Camp for forced brainwashing.

Bad Deeds of Bad Men

While Ms. Zhang Yuxiu of Meijiang District, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province was walking to the market, several men suddenly jumped out of a car and took her by force into a vehicle. People on the street did not dare to utter a word because they thought that this kidnapping was the Chinese mafia committing a physical assault. Later it was discovered that it was the local "610 Office" (2) that abducted Ms. Zhang for practicing Falun Gong. One month ago, in Longtian Town, Xingning County, Meizhou City a farmer practitioner by the name of Yuan Yumei was also abducted on the street by "610 Office" personnel. Ms. Yuan is still in custody somewhere.

On the early morning of December 27, 2003, Su Wei from the Linyi City brainwashing center and Xin Yongnong from the Lanshan district "610 Office" ganged up with about 20 others and broke into practitioner Ms. Duan Jiazhi's (32 years old) home in Linyi Dongmiao Village. They tried to abduct Ms. Duan to the brainwashing center for persecution. Upon her resistance, Su walked up to Ms. Duan and tried to strangle her with his hands. Ms. Duan was pushed down onto the bed and almost passed out. Su Wei inserted some rags into her mouth and used a quilt to wrap up her body. Then they took her away by force to the brainwashing center.


(1) yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 yuan.

(2) "610 Office": an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.