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Summary of Other Articles and News - June 18, 2004

June 24, 2004 |  


Persecution Facts

On June 9 and June 11, 2004, lawless police officers from the Jingquan Police Department, Chibi City, Hubei Province went to the homes of Dafa practitioners Ms. Bao Juan and Zhang Guizhen, trying to abduct them. Bao Juan and Zhang Guizhen chose to leave home and leave their young children behind to avoid being persecuted.

Dafa practitioner Xie Wutang, 64, and his wife Tan Xiangyu, from Changsha City, Hunan Province, were illegally detained, tortured, and fined numerous times because they persisted in Dafa practice. Persecutors from the street committee, the police station, and the residential committee often harassed them at home. After the 2001 Chinese New Year, Xie Wutang was sent to the Xinkaipu Forced Labor Camp in Hunan Province, where he was forced to do heavy labor and listen to slanderous lies defaming Dafa. On September 28, 2001, Xie Wutang suddenly had a stroke. One of his arms and one leg were paralyzed, and he was subsequently released. But Xie Wutang cannot return home or he risks further persecution. His wife Tan Xiangyu was abducted on August 22, 2003, and was later held at the Changsha City Detention Center. She was later sentenced to prison.

My name is Zhang Aimin. I am a Falun Gong practitioner and disabled person. Dafa practice helped me get rid of all my illnesses. In December 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal, and was arrested and sent to the local police station. The police extorted 2,000 Yuan (1) from my wife and deducted 1,200 Yuan from my salary. In October 2000, I went to Tiananmen Square to appeal for Dafa. When I returned home, the persecutors abducted me and ransacked my home. I held a hunger strike for two days and two nights, and was then transferred to the Nanjing Street Police Station brainwashing class.

Persecutors and their Crimes

Persecutors and their crimes at the Fushun Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province:
- Liu Zhigang is the political head of the labor camp who beat elderly Dafa practitioner Liu Shaochang, who was in his 60s.

- Wu Wei is the group head who beat and tortured dozens of Dafa practitioners.
- Jiang Yongfeng is the deputy group head who beat Dafa practitioners numerous times. In the evening of February 11, 2001, Jiang Yongfeng ordered Dafa practitioners Yao Songdong, Yuan Peng, Ma Huaidong and Miao Huaibo to be tortured. Practitioner Yao Songdong had a nervous breakdown, and practitioner Yuan Peng bit off his tongue.
- Wu Aidong is the division head and branch Party secretary and is most vicious. He shocked 27 practitioners at one time with electric batons.
- Wang Zhengquan is the team political head. He beat practitioner Chen Yuanlong, who is in his 50s, until his internal organs were injured.
- Guard Liu Baocai stomped on female Dafa practitioners' heads with his hard boots and pushed their heads against the cement floor until their faces were swollen beyond recognition.
- Shao Qing was a classmate of guard Wu Aidong. He is a drug addict and thief, and beat many Dafa practitioners.
- Chen Weidong is a roughneck who works for Wu Aidong. He beat many practitioners.

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Yu was a farmer in Hamatang Village, Qingyuan County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province. He was in his 50s when he was diagnosed with cancer. His cancer was cured through Falun Gong practice. In the winter of 2001, he was illegally sent to the Fushun Forced Labor Camp. Inmates savagely beat him, along with practitioners Jiang Weijie and Zhao Minggui. Liu Yu was stripped naked, and the persecutors poured cold water on him. They also beat the throats of practitioners Jiang Weijie and Zhao Minggui with wooden planks, which caused them to be unable to speak for a long time. One day in July 2002, the persecutors at Division Nine brutally beat Dafa practitioners to force them to reform, and Zhao Minggui lost consciousness from the torture. Liu Yu persisted in Dafa practice and the persecutors failed to achieve their goal.

The persecutors from Zhuhai City's "610 Office" are still fanatically persecuting Dafa. Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Dongning, her sister Chen Donghui, and their mother from Doumen County were arrested before October 2003 and were sent to the Minfu Hotel, where the Zhuhai Politics and Law Committee from the "610 Office" is holding a brainwashing class. The mother was released because of her poor health, but Chen Dongning and her sister Chen Donghui were transferred to the Feilong Detention Center in the Doumen District. The persecutors are trying to sentence them to prison. Their family is looking for a lawyer to file a lawsuit against the perpetrators. The police at the Feilong Detention Center are also holding other Dafa practitioners from Tsinghua University. Practitioners Liao Hongwen, Han Zhimin, Lin Yongxu, He Zhiwei, and others are being held at the Minfu Hotel. Ruan Lijiang and other persecutors from the Zhuhai City "610 Office," who persecuted the practitioners at the Minfu Hotel, went to a site near the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp to attend a class held by the Guangdong Province "610 Office."

(1) Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.