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Nobly Telling the World: "I Am a Falun Dafa Practitioner"

June 29, 2004 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I was unlawfully detained and persecuted for clarifying the facts about Falun Dafa. For some time after I was released, I didn't realize that I should take advantage of each and every opportunity to actively clarify the facts about Falun Dafa to the world. There were several times when I ran into old classmates and friends, and didn't tell them that I was a Dafa practitioner. I didn't direct our topics to Falun Dafa either, and lost some precious chances to clarify the facts. As I progressed in studying the Fa, I realized that what I did was wrong. Why didn't I tell them that I practice Falun Dafa? Isn't this validating the Fa? I could have clarified the facts about Falun Dafa to them.

When I realized that I had wasted so many opportunities to validate the Fa and to clarify the facts, I started to visit relatives, friends, neighbors and classmates. Sometimes, I went to their homes to tell them the facts about Dafa. When I met people for the first time, I told them that I was a Dafa practitioner, and that I was persecuted only because I strived to become a good person and because of my persistence in cultivation. When meeting with acquaintances, I also told them that I was a Dafa practitioner and clarified the facts to them.

I used all opportunities to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa to strangers in my daily life. Normally, I would speak from a third party's point of view. Most times, I was straightforward enough to raise the topic of suing Jiang Zemin. Since there was an obvious bias in my arguments, some asked me: "You must be practicing Falun Dafa." In the beginning, I was a bit hesitant in answering this kind of question. Later on, after I seriously considered it, I realized that what I'm practicing is the most righteous Fa [Law or principle] in the universe. Furthermore, clarification of the facts is the greatest deed. Why did I hesitate to admit that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner? Ever since then, I started to answer, "Yes, I practice Falun Dafa and follow the teachings" to such questions.

The above mentioned were merely some of my enlightenments and my own ways of doing things. All practitioners have different paths of cultivation, and the occasions differ. We should be rational and use our wisdom to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa. It's not always necessary to tell others that you are a Falun Dafa practitioner, especially to strangers. Often times the results are better when we clarify the facts from a third party's point of view. It should be fine to tell acquaintances that you are a Falun Dafa practitioner. It's validating the Fa. Besides, it brings the opportunity to clarify the facts when Falun Dafa topics are brought up naturally. Those who experienced persecution should reveal the facts. It's necessary in exposing the evil acts, as well as clarifying the facts. It's not showing off or trying to be a hero. For those who didn't do well enough, do not feel embarrassed or worry too much. We should examine these issues through the principles of Falun Dafa, and we'll surely do better in the future and make up for any losses.