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A Dafa Practitioner's Presence Testifies to the Truth

June 30, 2004 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Seeing that people in China are deceived by the Jiang regime, I was very anxious to expose the evil lies in just one sentence. As many people have no contact with Dafa practitioners, when they receive Falun Dafa materials (intended to clarify the facts of the persecution), they throw them away without looking at them, as they regard those who distribute the materials as murderers or those who have mental problems, because such people are being used to defame Dafa in TV programs.

In order to prevent the materials from being wasted, I try my best to deliver them to people's hands, consequently getting a chance to answer people's questions. Sometimes when answering their questions and clarifying the facts, I also speak to them in an amusing way, "Do you think I look like a murderer or one who has mental problems?" People immediately say with a smile, "No, not at all." When they see what a genuine practitioner looks like and further read the truth-clarifying materials, the evil elements in their minds will be easily eliminated.

Such stories as the following are often published on Clearwisdom Net: When a practitioner tells people that he or she herself practises Falun Gong, people don't believe it, because it is almost impossible to relate such a good person to those shown on TV to attack Dafa. Accordingly, even before reading the materials, people know that they had been deceived.

A girl said, "I've received some materials, but never seen a Dafa practitioner. Are these materials distributed by you?" I replied, "No, this is the first time I have come here." She said, "It is strictly forbidden to read Falun Gong materials. I read it, but I got confused." I answered her questions, and she was very happy.

We all strive to make the content of the materials be as comprehensive as possible. However, the doubts in the hearts of each deceived person vary. Some people did read the materials, but they still haven't understood the truth. Each Dafa practitioner is a "database" of truth-clarifying information and has the key to unlock the doubts in their hearts. Therefore, face-to-face truth clarification with wisdom is extremely important, because a Dafa practitioner's presence testifies to the truth.

The above is my personal understanding; fellow practitioners please point out anything improper.