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Practitioners Oppose the Persecution in Fuyu Labor Camp With Righteous Thoughts

June 09, 2004 |   By a practitioner in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Brigade Four of Fuyu Labor Camp exists solely for tormenting Falun Gong practitioners. Since July 2001, practitioners detained here have sent forth righteous thoughts at specific times everyday. A collaborator (1) disclosed this secret to the guards, and from then on, the guards ordered practitioners to go to the yard for military drills at that time. However, since August, fellow practitioners utilized the drill periods to send forth righteous thoughts collectively, with their right palms raised, every day on time. In retaliation, guards ordered criminal inmates to beat them. At one time, dozens of guards broke into a jail cell and the ranking officer, Jia Weijun, ordered the others to beat practitioners that were sending forth righteous thoughts. They put one of the practitioners into a metal cage. The practitioner was released four days later, after many practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts, went on hunger strike and protested.

At that time, Brigade Four consisted of two cellblocks. On the morning of October 8, 2001, as practitioners were sending forth righteous thoughts, guard Lu Zuoquan and Jiang Lidong broke into the east cellblock and attacked practitioners with electric batons. Two collaborators were accomplices in the attack on seven practitioners and the east cellblock was turned into chaos. When the news spread to west cellblock, 30 practitioners rushed to the east cell to stop the atrocities. Some practitioners grabbed the batons from the guards, some tried to reason with them, some practitioners reprimanded the collaborators, and some practitioners smashed the electric batons. The sudden action shocked all authorities at the site. In the aftermath, the director of the labor camp recognized that attacking practitioners with electric batons is wrong.

After the practitioners from the west cell had gone back to their cell, they raised their right palms and sent forth righteous thoughts together. At this time the director of the labor camp, Li Hongjun, entered and attempted to stop them. All practitioners in both rooms recited the Fa rectification verses, "Lunyu" (preface of the book Zhuan Falun) and "Hongyin"(a poem collection by the founder of Falun Gong) loudly, their combined voices shook the heavens and earth, drowning the weak wail of the guards who could no longer be heard. After half an hour, the guards ordered the practitioners to go to the yard for drills, attempting to turn the situation around. The practitioners discussed this and agreed to go to the yard to assemble. They sat in three rows, crossed their legs and sat in meditation. More than 30 practitioners held up their palms and sent forth righteous thoughts together, reciting the Fa rectification verses loudly. The practitioners in the east cellblock sent forth righteous thoughts from there.

The righteous thoughts and actions of practitioners acting in concert, and the loud voices reciting the Fa rectification verses shook the heavens and the earth. This had never happened in Fuyu Labor Camp before. The supervisors at the labor camp and all guards were fearful and shocked and did not know what to do. Guards entreated practitioners to go back their cells. After sending righteous thoughts for fifteen minutes, practitioners went back their room to continue to send forth righteous thoughts, reciting "Lunyu" and "Hongyin". Ever since then, the practitioners of Brigade Four can study the Fa, practice exercises and send forth righteous thoughts without interference. Some start practicing the exercises at 4 a.m.. The jail cell has turned into a practice site. The righteous actions of the practitioners rectified the evil environment.

(1) Collaborators: Former practitioners who have renounced Falun Gong due to brainwashing and torture and assist in persecuting steadfast practitioners.

May 26, 2004