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Ottawa, Canada: Practitioners Hold a Local Experience Sharing Conference (Photos)

June 09, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Clearwisdom correspondence Donna reports from Ottawa:

The 2004 Ottawa Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held on June 6, 2004 at University of Ottawa. More than a dozen Western practitioners shared their cultivation experiences at the conference.

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Ms. Cindy Chan is sharing her experience

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Young practitioner is listening attentively

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Young practitioners are demonstrating the exercises

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Young practitioner Li Zhen is sharing his experience

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Principal of Minghui School Ms. Xin Qihua is sharing her experience

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Gerry Smith is sharing his experience

Practitioners shared their experiences from different perspectives in exposing the evil, clarifying the truth and cultivating themselves and making improvement in the past five years of the Fa-rectification process.

Practitioner Mr. Li Xun talked about coordination and cooperation as a whole and clarifying the truth to the law circle in the past two years. The title of his speech was, "Persistently and deeply clarifying the truth to the legal circles, striving forward together, and eliminating interference with righteous thoughts and righteous actions." Ms. Huang Daiming (in her 70's) recalled her experience over the past five years in persistently and peacefully opposing the persecution and sending righteous thoughts outside the Chinese Embassy. Ms. Zhou Limin shared a few episodes in resisting the evil with righteous thoughts, eliminating interference and clarifying the truth.

Ms. Cindy Chan, who won a community volunteer award this April, shared one of her experiences in clarifying the truth. She saw her attachment to sentiment, and tried her best to improve herself, and clarified the truth about Falun Gong with purer state of mind. Practitioner Matt Hildebrand told of his experience in constantly abandoning his egos and human notions, and cultivating and improving himself.

Several young practitioners recited poems from Hong Yin, sang songs and performed the exercises.

Practitioners attending Fa conference felt it a rare opportunity to cultivate and improve themselves. They hoped that everyone strive forward diligently, improve as a whole entity and better assist Master to do Fa rectification at the final phase of Fa-rectification.