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Indiana: Stories during the Anti-torture Exhibition at City of Lafayette (Photos)

July 14, 2004 |   By practitioners from Indiana

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 2 and 3, the Mid-America anti-torture exhibition tour held the "Persecution meets Principle" exhibit on the Riehle Plaza in downtown Lafayette, close to where the major bus, long-distance bus and railway stations are located.

At the noon press conference, practitioners stated their purpose for holding the anti-torture exhibition and introduced the ongoing cruel suppression of Falun Gong in China. At the same time, practitioners also utilized this opportunity to expose the South Africa shooting incident and hope to raise awareness. Four local media outlets (including one major newspaper, the only local TV station, school newspaper of the Purdue University and a radio station) were invited to attend the conference and conducted interviews with practitioners. Over the entire display, many people shed tears while watching the exhibit and took the initiative to sign the petition and asked practitioners how they could help. During the short two days, there were many touching episodes. Following are some of the stories.

Practitioners clarify the facts to tourists. Many people attentively look at the poster display uncovering the methods of torture employed against Falun Gong practitioners.

A scientific researcher who has some relatives practicing Falun Gong in China knows very well about Falun Gong. He always shows concern and support for Falun Gong. When he read the media report about the anti-torture exhibition a day before, he came to watch the display and brought greetings to Master Li from Chinese practitioners he met during a recent visit to China.

A lady was quite shocked and moved upon watching the exhibition. She offered support and help. She told practitioners that her church belongs to a national human rights organization and she would help us to contact them so as to collaborate with them to stop the suppression of Falun Gong in China. Before she left, she asked for many flyers from practitioners so that she could distribute them to the people in her church.

A gentleman with some knowledge of the Zen Buddhism, Tantrism, Taiji and even Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism talked with practitioners for a long time during the first day of the exhibition and asked many questions. He asked how the government's violence could possibly change people's spiritual belief in their hearts. On the second day, he came to ask for exercise instructing videotape and music CD of "Pu Du" and "Ji Shi".

There was a vender booth selling hotdogs and cold beverages. While doing his business, the owner introduced the purpose and content of the anti-torture exhibition. People who learned about the facts further introduced the persecution in China to other people.

A young couple who just got engaged expressed their deep sympathy towards Charles Lee and his fiancé Yeong-ching Foo after looking at the poster describing the persecution encountered by Charles. They felt as it they were experiencing the separation due to the Chinese authorities' suppression and subjected to brainwash and tortures in China's prisons.

Many people signed the petition supporting Falun Gong practitioners and opposing the persecution after they watched the display. They expressed their regret that practitioners do not accept donations. Practitioners then told them that they could write to the President and their Congressmen and ask for their support. They could also introduce the persecution facts to their friends and family members. People who learned about the facts all expressed that other organizations and groups should all help practitioners.

A veteran who participated in the Vietnam War said that he understood that we are not religious. He said that this is the principle of the universe and practitioners should not be persecuted because practitioners did not fight against anyone, but just used their completely peaceful, nonviolent way to express their belief. The veteran watched the display and talked with practitioners during the two-day exhibition. When the exhibition concluded, he also helped practitioners to move the posters and props. In the end, he hesitated to say good bye to practitioners.

In order to support the exhibition, Falun Gong practitioners from Illinois and Ohio drove long distances to join the activity. Under the scorching sun, they set up the posters and props, re-enacted the torture methods used against Falun Gong practitioners and distributed truth-clarifying literature. They were not afraid of the hardship and spared no effort. The success of the exhibition resulted from many practitioners cooperation including coordination among practitioners from different states, getting the vehicle, posters and props, demonstrating the torture methods, contacting media and applying for the exhibition site. The success manifested the power of working as an integrated entity. Just as Teacher told us in "Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference", "For Dafa disciples as a whole, in the process of validating the Fa, when you work together in concert, the Fa power is great."