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The Persecution of Practitioner Dong Chuanyan from Qingzhou City, Shandong Province

July 02, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Seven Falun Dafa practitioners, including a married couple, Mr. Dong Chuanyan and Ms. Li Xiuying, were abducted by the Qingzhou City Police Department. Word has it that they will be put on trial and sentenced. We appeal to all kind-hearted people around the world to help rescue them. According to a reliable source, a brigade head surnamed Zhang and a policeman surnamed Chen are responsible for their cases, which have been submitted by the Qingzhou City Political and Judiciary Committee and approved by the Weifang City Police Department.

Dong Chuanyan, a 57-year-old male, was a volunteer contact person for Falun Dafa in the Tanfang Township of Qingzhou City. His wife, Li Xiuying, is 60 years old, and both are from Banjielou Village, Tanfang Township, Qingzhou City, Shandong Province. They started to practice Falun Gong in 1995 and have benefited tremendously from the practice. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, simply because he has remained firm in his belief, Mr. Dong has been persecuted and harassed repeatedly by the local authorities and has been forced into homelessness for the past five years in order to avoid the relentless persecution.

Five years ago, when Mr. Dong first heard about the unfair treatment of Falun Gong by the authorities, he rode a motorcycle to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. The following day, on his way back home, he was involved in an accident and hurt his leg. However, as a practitioner, he did not demand compensation from the offender, and was widely praised by the local people.

However, on July 19, 1999, when Mr. Dong got back to his hometown with his injured leg, the township government summoned him to the town hall where the Party Secretary, Zhong Anxin, yelled at him and abused him for two hours.

On July 20, around 3 p.m. the township government played a videotape that defamed Falun Gong, and forced Mr. Dong to watch it. After the video, the head of the township, Leng Chuanbo, asked Mr. Dong what he thought of the video. Mr. Dong said, "It is all lies." In the presence of about ten township staff, Leng ordered them to drag Dong outside, breaking his injured leg into two parts. Mr. Dong passed out from the pain.

On July 21, the Qingzhou Police Department mobilized many police vehicles and sent them to Tanfang Township to intimidate the practitioners there. Mr. Dong could barely stand with his badly injured leg, but he was forced to stand in the courtyard for three hours. His youngest daughter demanded that Mr. Dong be taken to the hospital for treatment but they would not allow it. It wasn't until 4 o'clock in the afternoon when his relatives insisted, that Mr. Dong was finally taken to the hospital.

Since then, Mr. Dong has been persecuted and has had money extorted from him three different times. The authorities use unimaginable means to persecute him. Directed by the township mayor, someone who is remotely related to Mr. Dong along with Guo, the chief of a police station, poured alcohol into Mr. Dong's nose, inserted a twig into his nose, handcuffed and stripped him, and then dragged him back and forth across the floor. He was handcuffed to a tree on a snowy day while being kicked and punched. He was forced to pay 4,000 yuan (1) with no receipt issued.

In October of 2000, around 9 p.m. on the Chinese National Day, Mr. Dong was abducted and jailed in the Qingzhou City Detention Center for over a month.

In the winter of 2002, while Mr. Dong was fixing bicycles (he now does that for a living) in the village, he was abducted and sent to the brainwashing center organized by the "610 Office" (2) at Qingzhou City. During his abduction, although his youngest daughter had passed all the exams for civil service with flying colors, she could not get a job because of her father's steadfast belief in Falun Dafa.

During the year of 2003, after having been abducted numerous times, Mr. Dong had to leave home to avoid further persecution.

In 2004, on February 23 of the lunar calendar, six days after Dong Chuanyan and his wife Li Xiuying went home to attend a relative's wedding, the Criminal Squad of the Qingzhou Police Department and the local police station abducted them. They abused them in their home for two hours before four policemen carried Mr. Dong to the vehicle, and two policemen grabbed Ms. Li by her arms to take her away. At that time, the street was lined with villagers. Ms. Li stuck her head out of the car window and shouted out "Falun Dafa is good!" to them. She was repeatedly slapped on her face. Their three-wheeled motorcycle and the three bikes they were fixing for other people were also taken away. Their family did not hear from them until June 10. No legal procedures were followed during their detainment. Some people have said that they are being kept at the detention center and that the two of them went on a hunger strike to protest the abduction.

According to an inside source, Dong Chuanyan, Li Xiuying, and five other practitioners have been arrested by the Weifang City Police Department and their cases have been transferred to the Qingzhou City Procurator. The authorities are planning to put them on trial and sentence them.

These people are being sentenced for practicing Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and for speaking up for their beliefs. How can they be labeled as criminals by the authorities? Where is the justice? It is not a crime to believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, nor is it a crime to speak up for our beliefs.

Further, all of this has happened shortly after the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued a directive to investigate five categories of crimes which abuse power to violate human rights. These lawless law-enforcement officials are committing the very crimes that they are supposed to stop. We appeal to all people of conscience to help stop the persecution of Falun Dafa.

Relevant Phone Numbers:

Courthouse switchboard: 86-536-3220804

Court Chief Cheng Maolin: 86-536-3220606, 86-536-3221444

Procurator: 86-536-3222753

Hotline for the Procurator: 86-536-3222000, 86-536-3223161, x2026

Political and Security Section: 86-536-3853835

Detention Center: 86-536-3853892

Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-536-3221310

Party Secretary of Qingzhou City, Liu Keqiang

Chief of Police Department, Ding Shan

Police Department: 86-536-3221327

Director of "610 Office": Xu 86-536-3260233; Gao 86-536-3236068

"610 Office" Brainwashing Center, Liu Rongyou 86-536-3233286

"610 Office" Brainwashing Center, Guo Wenjie 86-536-3225201


(1) Yuan -- Chinese currency, 500 yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.

(2) "610 Office" -- An agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.