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Harbin Prison Secretly Transfers Practitioners to Other Prisons in Order to Conceal a Torture Death

July 28, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.com) On July 1, 2004, the Harbin Prison suddenly and secretly transferred more than seventy Falun Gong practitioners to prisons in other cities of Daqing, Tailai, and Mudanjiang. Thirty of the practitioners were transferred to Daqing City Prison. According to our findings, in April this year Harbin City Prison intensified the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners to achieve their goal of forcing Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief.

During this period, Wang Dayuan, a Falun Dafa practitioner who was a young scientist and lecturer in Harbin Industry University, was tortured to death on April 5.

In order to conceal the truth and evade the responsibility for the crime, the Harbin Prison secretly transferred the practitioners to other prisons. The following is the story as told by one of the practitioners transferred from Harbin Prison to Daqing Prison:

"Recently, I was secretly transferred from Harbin Prison to Daqing Prison along with thirty other Dafa practitioners.

"After I was put into a "Training Center" in Harbin Prison, they appointed four prisoners to take charge of me and forbade me to talk with anybody. I denied that I was guilty of any crime and refused to wear the identification card, so they confined me in a solitary cell. Every day they only gave me two and a half bowls of rice water to eat. In the cold winter, they stripped me and didn't give me a bedcover. They persecuted me like that for twenty-one days. After I was sent to Prison Section Ten, under the orders of the directors of the section, Yang Ji, Wu Jun, and Xia Zhiwei, policemen Liu Chunhai, Li Zhilong, and Zhang Liang, and prisoners Chen Lihui, Bai Jinglong, Suo Wenjie, Fu Bin, Ren Jiachen, Zhang Jialong, Fu Mao, Li Shuping, and others beat me and brutally tortured me. During the daytime they forced me to do heavy labor the whole day and at night they only let me sleep for one or two hours. This abuse lasted for three months. During that time, they often beat me up in the break room, which resulted in severe internal injuries to my chest. I had a light fever around the Spring Festival in 2003, which lasted for three months. They threatened me, "If we cannot transform you, we will cremate you." They also said, "The government already informed us that every method of persecution is acceptable as long as you are alive"

"On April 4 of this year, in order to achieve the goal of a hundred percent transformation rate [of practitioners giving up Falun Gong], the prison began to persecute Dafa practitioners on a large scale. Yang Ji, Xia Zhiwei, and Liu Chunhai, the three policemen, and prisoners Ren Jiachen, Suo Wenjie, Zhang Jialong, Fu Mao, Li Shuping, and others formed a so-called "team to assault the steadfast" in Prison Section Ten. They plotted to use excruciatingly painful tortures to force me give up cultivation. I firmly rejected their threats, but they didn't leave me alone. At 9:00 o'clock in the evening, in room 502 they inflicted a lot of painful torture on me: they used a plastic bag to cover my head, force-fed mustard oil into my stomach, forced my leg and arm joints to bend backwards, kicked me violently in my ribs, and hit my head against the concrete floor. They tortured me to the point that my gallbladder shifted to the wrong place, my ribs on both sides were bruised, my knee and elbow joints were severely sprained, and I couldn't take care of myself. At the same time, Wang Dayuan, a Dafa practitioner in Prison Section Two, who was also a young scientist and lecturer in Harbin Industry University, was beaten to death. In order to conceal the truth, the authorities secretly transferred all of us to different prisons on July 1. They attempted to escape their responsibility for the crime and to escape investigation by international human rights organizations and inquiries by people in this country."

Prison Warden: Zhang Mingjiang

Deputy Prison Warden: Yang Jiangyun (very evil person)

Director of "610 Office": Chen Shuhai cell phone: 86-13936505613 (very evil)

Division One: Gong Dawei (evil), Chang Huichen, Division Head 86-451-55302173 ext. 8803 (work) Deputy Division Head: Qu Hongde

Division Two: Zhan Yinqing (very evil) cell phone: 86-13836162368, Li Manli, Liu Zongbin (evil), Zhang Xuelin cell phone: 86-13904813063, Zhang Yanjun, Chen Shuren, Nan Sheng, Division Header, Qu Jianping, Deputy Division Header, cell phone 86-13836144806.

Division Four: Header Zhu (evil)

Division Nine: Gen Hao

Division Eleven (Training Center): Huang Zhimin, Division Header, Lin Bo and Zhang Jiushan (evil), Deputy Division Header, Zhu Zhihong, Zhang Ping

Workplace Ten: Duan Guochen (evil)

Detection Section: Liu Xikun

Political Section: Liu Xishuang

Solitary Cells: Yin Xuelong (evil), Yu Jun (evil) Group Leader: Yu Tao (evil)

Switchboard: 86-451-55301531, 55302173, 55302413

Prison Section One: 55111240, 55110742, 55131014

Prison Section Two: 55111473, 55111746, 55102554

Prison Section Three: 55132174

Barrel Workshop: 55104277

Conference room: 55132274

Large Workshop: 55132374

Small Workshop: 55132564

Watching Room: 55130884

Prison Section Four: 55111479, 55110849, 55130204

Prison Section Five: 55110405, 55136347, 55132984, 55101241

Prison Section Six: 55134042, 55135541, 55134547, 55131224

Prison Section Seven: 55132744, 55131704, 55131547, 55110495, 55131094

Prison Section Eight: 55130214, 55131324, 55130564

Prison Section Nine: 55132074, 55131834

Prison Section Ten: 55112460, 55112470, 55112489, 55132914

Prison Section Eleven (Training Center): 55130234

Detaining Section: 55114731, 55116740

Educating and Transforming Section: (Section Instructor) 55113469 (Deputy Section Instructor) 55113469

Service Section: 55132924

Political Section: 0451-55133245, 55101525, 55114392, 55113643

Detection Section: 55114017, 55114392, 55113643

Administration Section ("610 Office") (1): 55114173

Sanitation Section: 55115449, 55116462

Mail Room: 0451-55133249

Secretary Office: 86-451-55301522

Secretary Office (Ground level): 86-451-55108981

(1) The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.