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Amazing Experience of A Falun Gong Practitioner Hit By A Motorcycle

July 08, 2004 |   By Wang Yi, Practitioner living in North America

(Clearwisdom.net) (Author's Note: A Wuhan practitioner shared this true story with me over the telephone. My recollection is as follows.)

Despite the terror during Jiang's regime's five years of persecution of Falun Gong', many practitioners there have always been strict with themselves following the principles of Falun Dafa. In a recent group Fa-study in the Wuhan City area, a female practitioner in her 50's shared with others a recent amazing experience she had.

One day in the spring of 2004, she was crossing the street at a busy crossroads in Wuhan City with the "walk" signal lit. Suddenly, a motorcycle rushed at her and knocked her down, over a few meters away. The motorcycle fell down as well. The moment she hit the ground she thought, "Oh, I blocked the road for the motorcycle. Is the motorist OK?" So she got up quickly and dashed to the motorcycle rider. She apologized again and again while running toward him, "I am so sorry. Really, I am very sorry! I didn't see you. Are you OK?" The motorist, however, pointed the finger at her as soon as he stood up, "Are you blind!" A passer-by found this comment to the lady unfair and scolded the motorist, "It was you who was blind. You ran the red light!" The motorist then quarreled with him.

A traffic police officer nearby saw the whole scene. He came over immediately and said to the motorist who caused the trouble, "Show me your driver's license!" The motorist then turned around to swear at the lady he had knocked down. Noticing that some of the paint on the impact side of the cycle was ruined she said to the driver, "I am very sorry. How much are will it cost to fix it?" The police officer could not help saying, "You have been knocked down. You should check your own body! Why bother asking him? It was his fault. I saw it clearly!"

More than ten people had gathered around by then, looking on and talking about the accident. One person commented, "It's rare to see good people like that these days. Hey, are you a Falun Gong practitioner?" The female practitioner replied naturally, "Yes, I am; otherwise, how could I be free from injury? You see, I am not only okay, but my white pants are also clean! Our Master told us that in all circumstances we should consider others first, so as to attain the righteous enlightenment of selflessness and altruism." The person was proud of the question he just asked, and said, "I guessed that you practice Falun Gong, otherwise you would not be that good." Then he told the motorcycle rider, "You are lucky today to meet a Falun Gong person, buddy; otherwise, it would not be that easy for you to leave the scene."

The traffic police officer, however, told the motorist, "She wants to let you go, but I won't. You ran the red light, knocked the lady down and were also very rude. If I didn't write you a ticket today, the people here would find it unfair!" So he started to write the ticket. The female practitioner told the police officer at once, "I am all right, really! But he needs to spend money to fix his motorcycle. He no longer continued swearing at me, so I think he's already discovered that he should not run the red light next time. The purpose of your fining him is also to teach him a lesson so that he will not repeat the same mistake next time, but this method of fining him is called ‘Returning evil actions with evil.' If he doesn't think in his heart that this is' fair in his heart, it will not do, either. Falun Gong teaches people ‘Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.' I treated him with a sincere and kind heart. He is sure to remember this." Now the driver came to understand. He said sincerely, "I am really moved. I know that Falun Gong practitioners are good people." The traffic police officer also said, "I have already known for a long time that Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. Only the TV cheated the public!" The police forgot writing the ticket and left while making that comment. The people looking on also left the scene, smiling.

After hearing it I thought, "This is really a god's story!" A motorcycle knocked down lady more than 50 years old, and yet her skin was not even scratched! When her life was in danger, she didn't think about herself, but rather out the other party. This is truly the realm of a god!
