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Practitioners Promote Falun Dafa in Prison - Death Row Inmates Completely Changed in Nanyang, Henan Province

July 08, 2004 |   Dafa Practitioner in Nanyang

(Clearwisdom.net) Since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20,1999, many determined Dafa practitioners were sent to prisons. Almost every one of them was able to clarify the truth about Dafa to all kinds of people. They told government officials, the police, detention center supervisors and prison guards about their personal experiences with Falun Dafa. They also told people that our Teacher is a great person with enormous compassion. Practitioners' strong determination changed people's hearts. Many people, including police officers and even very bad criminals, after hearing their stories, told the practitioners, "Your Master is truly great! Dafa practitioners are indeed remarkable! If everyone can learn Falun Gong, then the society will become a better place."

In 2001, several male practitioners were illegally locked in a detention center in Nanyang, isolated in different cells. Three practitioners shared their cells with death sentence inmates. These people were sentenced to death because of their involvement in organized crime. They wore handcuffs and shackles all day long. Others were separated and shared cells with different inmates. They refused to reform in prison; instead, they were still bullies. No one dared to challenge them. Since the Dafa practitioners moved into their cells, the head criminal and his number one accomplice both were deeply touched by Dafa and later became practitioners. The criminal leader was especially dilligent in cultivation. Every night at 10:00 p.m., he would tell everyone, "Turn off the TV! Turn off the TV! It's time for Fa study!"

The first accomplice was also very good. Whenever he had time he asked the practitioners to recite Dafa books and Master's new articles to everyone in the cell.

The second accomplice had a different attitude. He continued to bully practitioners by forcing them to wash his dishes and do his laundry. He just did not stop doing bad things.

In April 2003, the head criminal and first accomplice received their reward; their sentences were reduced from death to life imprisonment. Their handcuffs and shackles were removed. But the second accomplice who bullied practitioners was executed in April. Different attitudes towards Dafa resulted in entirely different outcomes. This event sent a shock wave through the detention center.

The two former criminal leaders thanked Master and practitioners for saving their lives and souls. Soon after, in May, the practitioners left the detention center. This way, these practitioners had assimilated Dafa in all situations with their righteous thoughts and actions. They are safeguarding and promoting Dafa at the same time. Their compassion, peaceful nature and great tolerance moved the heavens and earth. As long as there are practitioners in prisons, many former criminals were deeply touched by Dafa and became practitioners themselves. Most police officers have learned in their hearts that Dafa is good. As a result, their lives have been saved during this most evil persecution.

June 23, 2004