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Fellow Practitioners, Please Pay Attention to the Wording When Compiling Truth-Clarification Material

August 14, 2004 |   By a practitioner in China


Recently while I was at work, the topic of Falun Gong was brought up. One of my colleagues said, "I have been seeing some (truth-clarification) flyers in the area where I live and I have been reading them. To me what is on these flyers is simply reactionary."

I was very shocked after hearing him say that. In the past this person was deeply poisoned by lies and propaganda. He had some misunderstandings about Falun Gong and thought that Falun Gong practitioners' distributing flyers was reactionary. However, gradually his misunderstanding was eliminated after I persisted in clarifying the truth for over a year, and handled myself in an upright manner by keeping myself to a high standard at work and in my daily life.

That day I was really surprised when I heard him make the same comment again. I asked him why he said that. He said, "You can say that Jiang Zemin is not good and you can also oppose Jiang Zemin, because it is Jiang Zemin who suppresses Falun Gong, and these are all understandable. But, why do you say that the Communist Party is not good and the Chinese government is not good. After reading these materials, I have a feeling that these flyers are talking about overthrowing the government."

Consequently, I again explained to him that cultivators do not get involved in politics but only cultivate genuinely and become good people. In the end, he said, "You say one thing and the flyers say another. Now I'm confused and I don't know if Falun Gong is good or bad."

My heart was heavy after listening to his comment. Actually we all know that at the beginning it was Jiang Zemin's decision to suppress Falun Gong. Jiang has used the entire Party and government to suppress Falun Gong. Many people in government departments do not know the truth and have been poisoned by the propaganda.

Jiang Zemin does not represent the Party, nor does he represent the Chinese government. In the workplace sometimes when we talked about the current phenomenon of corruption and embezzlement in China, this colleague would also say that the Communist Party was not good. He was also willing to read truth-clarification flyers distributed by Falun Gong practitioners and he had read a lot of them. Due to the influence of the evil's defamatory propaganda (stating that we are anti-Party and anti-government), whenever he read words that described the Communist Party as being bad, he would not be very understanding and he would even be turned off and become very resistant.

Now we have many different truth-clarification materials. This would then suggest that Falun Dafa practitioners should monitor and guard against this with the mind of being responsible to the Fa and to sentient beings. We should write it from the readers' angle and should be more considerate of the mentality of today's Chinese people.

The truth-information we write about should achieve the goal of saving sentient beings.

Below are my suggestions for fellow practitioners' when they write truth-clarification information:

1.Please make a distinction between the "the Jiang group," "the Chinese government," "the Communist Party" and other similar references. People in China can now understand it and accept it when you condemn Jiang Zemin. Yet, if you said that the Communist Party was not good or the Chinese government suppressed Falun Gong, a great deal of people cannot accept that. They would in turn have misunderstandings about Falun Gong and think they are involved in politics.

After all, many people in China have been through the evils' defamatory propaganda for so many years. Therefore, their heads are filled with preconceived notions. In order to save these precious Chinese people, the situation requires Falun Gong practitioners to put themselves in their position first before putting our words into writing.

We should never use sweeping or extreme words. When we write information to explain the facts about the persecution, it is better to use "Jiang" to replace the "Chinese government" or the "Communist Party." We should also clarify our position: We are not against the Communist Party, nor are we against the Chinese government, and we are only against this persecution initiated by Jiang Zemin and his followers.

2. Do not talk too high level when we clarifying the truth. I once saw a truth-clarification letter given to me by a fellow practitioner. It was a three-page letter. The first page was addressed to a collaborator who had "enlightened" along an evil path and it used harsh words to condemn a collaborator's sinful actions of helping the evil to attack Falun Gong practitioners.

The second page talked about Teacher's coming down to this human world to save sentient beings similar to Jesus' and Sakyamuni's coming down to the human world to save sentient beings. It was not until the third page that the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong and the local persecution was revealed.

I personally think it's better not to let everyday people read letters that are addressed to collaborators that have "enlightened" along an evil path. Some information can only be understood by cultivators and it is probably difficult for people without a foundation in the teachings of Falun Gong to understand this kind of content. Perhaps it will have a negative effect.

Do not speak at too high level when we clarify the truth. Nowadays the Chinese people's inclination toward attributing anything to the divine is very slight. They do not believe in the existence of gods, nor do they believe that Jesus and Sakyamuni had come down to the world to offer salvation to people. Plus the fact that Jiang's political group once spread the propaganda about Teacher in relation to Sakyamuni--all these have made it even harder for them to believe that Teacher is here to save sentient beings.

Quite the opposite, it will probably create an even deeper misunderstanding. My father, who is an atheist, once asked me a question when I explained the truth to him, "Some Falun Gong practitioners told me that your Teacher came to the world to save mankind, is it so?" He said that he did not believe that at all, and then he made some disrespectful comments about Teacher.

3. Practitioners who are responsible for distributing truth-clarification materials should also assume a monitoring and guarding role. If a flyer indeed contains information that is unsuitable for everyday people, don't distribute it. Meanwhile, you should also send feedback to practitioners who make truth-clarification materials for correction before you distribute them.

Don't do things quickly in order to save trouble or to distribute more materials. Our goal should be that when we distribute a flyer containing the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong to the public, they would understand the truth after reading it. We should be careful to edit any fighting mentality out of the content of our materials. We should rationally and clearheadedly use our wisdom to explain the facts about the persecution of Falun Dafa to the public.

As the grand current of Fa-rectification progresses, the evil in other dimensions is becoming smaller and can no longer interfere with our truth-clarification efforts on a large scale. Yet, the remaining dark minions of the old forces are not content with the situation, and they constantly make trouble by taking advantage of the gaps created by practitioners' attachments.

Just when I was writing this article, I had a power outage at home three times in a row. Yet, my next-door neighbor did not have a power outage. This was something that had never happened before. Those dark minions probably have come over to make trouble again and wanted to stop me from sharing something important with practitioners.

We can tell that those dark minions are also frightened when Falun Dafa practitioners are clearheaded and rational in the Fa-rectification, because this way they won't be able to interfere with our assisting Teacher with the Fa-rectification and there will not be any gap that they can take advantage of.