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Cases of Persecution in Huailai County, Hebei Province

August 28, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Li Xinfeng, a railroad station worker, and his wife, Ms. Li Yanhua, are from Huailai County, Hebei Province. As Falun Gong practitioners, they believe in the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and strive to be good people. When the persecution of Falun Gong began in July of 1999, both husband and wife continued to practice and went to Beijing to appeal. There, they were illegally arrested by Beijing police. Afterwards, Li Xinfeng was unjustly fired from work. In July 2001, the police surrounded the couple's home for two days without a warrant, and then abducted them. Li Xinfeng was sentenced to two years in prison even though he did not break any law. Mr. Li's imprisonment caused his daughter to suffer severe psychological trauma. Before his arrest, she was a good student and excelled in school. Soon after her father's imprisonment, she was sent home and had to drop out of school. A happy family was once again persecuted and torn apart.

Mr. Chen Aizhong (25 years old) and Ms. Chen Hongping (23 years old) are brother and sister from Canfangying Village, Beixinbao Township. Both died from torture and mistreatment in police custody at Mancheng Prison in Baoding City because they persisted in the practice of Falun Gong. Their older sister, Ms. Chen Shulan, was also imprisoned, leaving their parents and brother, Mr. Chen Aili, at home. Later, they were also persecuted. They were abducted on February 28, 2004, and illegally detained in a so-called "legal school" (actually a brainwashing center) in Shalingzi, Zhangjiakou City. All three family members went on a hunger strike to protest their illegal imprisonment and mistreatment. Two months into the hunger strike, Chen Aili weighed less than 60 lbs. On April 27, Chen Aili and his father were temporarily released while his mother was still detained and on a hunger strike. Soon after returning home, Chen Aili recovered. However, he was abducted again on May 10, leaving his father Mr. Chen Yunchuan alone at home.

The Chen family believed in Falun Dafa and only wanted to become good people. They trusted the government and went to appeal in Beijing in hopes of seeking justice. Instead, they were sentenced, imprisoned and maliciously tortured. Details of the persecution of Chen Aizhong and Chen Hongping n.began in July of 1999, both husband and wife described in the following articles:

