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My Understanding of Clarifying the Truth By Giving Out Bookmarks or Postcards

August 04, 2004 |   By a practitioner at Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) In 2002, a friend came to see me and told about his intention to use the name of Falun Gong to apply for political asylum in the U.S.A. He heard that it would be very easy to do it with a ticket receipt of a train or airline trip to Beijing on April 25, 1999, or with some sort of evidence that he was detained inside China. At that time I tactfully told him that it was not appropriate to use Falun Gong for this purpose. I held this same notion until I saw "Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students." There, Teacher said,

"Anyway, once somebody applies for asylum in the name of Falun Gong, he has given his future to Falun Gong. That's because he is changing his fate using Falun Gong's name--whether he's aware of it or not. That's putting it in ordinary human terms. The truth is, everyone came here for Dafa, and if the whole world came for Dafa, then of course it's no big deal if they benefit a little from Dafa. So go ahead, then. (Teacher laughs) As long as the local government doesn't object, we won't either.."

Then I recognized that, in today's Fa-rectification period, a person's attitude toward Dafa will decide his or her own future. To remain and not to be sifted out is most crucial to a life and that is also the purpose of our clarifying the truth as Dafa practitioners. We cannot deny that people have bad, warped thoughts. No matter what people encounter, they first try to protect themselves and then to seek personal gains. To those applying for asylum in the name of Falun Gong, they may not really understand Falun Gong or because of the deceit and lies may even be biased against Falun Gong, but when they tell the immigrant officer about the persecution of Falun Gong, then they are not against Falun Gong and so Teacher will protect them. I am deeply touched by the Master's benevolence and Dafa's immense magnificence!

Currently inside China there is still a high percentage of people whose minds are poisoned and so our mission to save sentient beings is critical. In our course of clarifying the truth, sometimes we just hurry by someone without a chance to say more. Sometimes we can only tell people one thing: Remember that Falun Dafa is good. At times like these, something small like a postcard or bookmark would be a nice gift to people. From our experience, people usually like to receive them. Some may not dare to take Falun Gong truth materials but will certainly like postcards, bookmarks or similar things. Especially in small villages, many people welcome these kind of things and, if they did not receive one, they would go to a practitioner's house to ask for one.

Practitioners should develop more wisdom. We should use all methods and different angles to clarify the truth to various types of people. We must do well what we should and try our best to save more people.