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Central News Agency: Taiwanese Falun Gong Practitioners Initiate a Bicycle Tour to Rescue Persecuted Kids

August 08, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The Central News Agency reported on August 6: The Taiwan Falun Dafa Association initiated a bicycle tour entitled, "Rescue Persecuted Kids" this afternoon on the square in front of the Chung Cheng Memorial Hall.

The bicycle tour will last for 14 days, setting off today from Taipei and will end at Er-Rwang-Bee in Kenting, Pingtung.

Several Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners holding white cloth strips participated in the activity. Little Zhang Dawei was invited to read out loud the names of Falun Gong practitioners who are suffering persecution in Mainland China.

Wu Hui-lin, Director of the Chinese Human Rights Association expressed that no one should live amidst terror and persecution. The general public should stand up in support of this activity to help rescue persecuted kids.

Secretary of the Taiwanese Association for the Rescue of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners, Liu Bing-hua, pointed out that Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China have suffered severe persecution over the past five years, resulting in many families being torn apart.

Falun Gong has about 300,000 practitioners in Taiwan. Practitioner Ms. Li Jianfen who has practiced Falun Gong for five years said that after she started practicing, not only has her own health improved, but her child's asthma that has plagued her for several years also no longer bothers her.

Ms. Li also revealed, "My father could hardly walk due to stomach cancer, but now he walks as if he could fly."

Another Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Li, told how she had complications from a car accident five years ago. After practicing Falun Gong, her health has been quite good, and she had not used her Healthcare Card for quite a long period of time.