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Constantly Maintain the Heart to Advance Further

September 02, 2004 |  


History has bestowed on us great karmic opportunities, which have enabled us to become disciples of the Fa-rectification period. Hence, the path we are walking is special and meaningful, and we have a mission to fulfill. Our self-cultivation also forms part of this Fa-rectification work of Teacher.

If we still cling to the material portion of the old universe that hasn't yet been assimilated to the Fa and if we do not let go of those attachments, fulfilling our mission as "Dafa Disciples of the Fa-rectification Period" will be greatly impeded. The beings that have created a negative effect on Fa-rectification, as well as the dark minions, will then take every opportunity to hinder our Fa validation work, and they may even harm us directly. If we allow the attachments from our human side to weaken our righteousness, then positive results from our Fa study and sending righteous thoughts cannot be guaranteed. When our attachments are seen amongst ordinary people, very possibly, they are the bad habits we have acquired. Therefore, our main consciousness must be kept sufficiently strong, and we cannot afford to be slack. By incessantly maintaining the heart to advance further, we will not be influenced by attachments generated from our uncultivated side that cause us to waste our precious time and energy on things that are unnecessary. If we put back more of this precious time into Fa study, our righteous thoughts will be strengthened and we will perform better in Fa validation work. In China, because of the relentless persecution by the evil forces, the level of difficulty in clarifying the facts has greatly increased. Thus, whenever I use righteous thoughts in my Fa validation work, the first thing I do is to direct my focus on clearing the interference as well as the effects caused by the dark minions.

The above is some of my personal understanding.