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A Beijing Dafa Practitioner's Experience Clarifying the Truth

September 20, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Righteous belief in the great Fa of the cosmos is beyond the understanding of everyday people, and can never be hampered, undermined, or destroyed by any evil.

I started practicing Falun Gong in 1996, and from that moment on, I was determined to cultivate in the Fa to the end. Such a thought has enabled me to follow our Teacher ever since, to overcome one tribulation after another, to step out of a police station's brainwashing class, and to take back the materials stolen by policemen on numerous occasions.

I once went astray in cultivation and accepted the evil's deceitful arrangements. After being released from the forced labor camp, I had the chance to read Teacher's "Teaching the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference," and immediately understood my mistakes. I was full of regret, and borrowed all of Teacher's lectures during the Fa-Rectification period. I started to conscientiously copy one lecture after another, day and night. After I finished four rounds of copying, I found that the characters I wrote became neater and neater and, at the same time, I became clearer and clearer with the Fa. I was being assimilated to the Fa, and everything was rectified rapidly in the process.

I have lost track of how much Dafa material I have produced and how many flyers I have handed out. The first time I handed out Dafa material was when I saw a group of people chatting. I bravely took some materials to them and said, "Please read about the historic trial. Jiang Zemin has been sued in overseas courts." Hearing this, all of them were excited and accepted the flyers. Even the taxi drivers passing by and the owners of small shops on the roadside came to take the flyers. Amidst the crowd I felt unhurried and unruffled while giving out the flyers.

In this way I covered all the alleys nearby. I saw that people were being awakened.

During so much face-to-face truth-clarification in the populated city of Beijing, I have met all kinds of people. Several times when I encountered dangerous people, I faced them peacefully and kindly, directly and resolutely telling them the facts about how Falun Gong is persecuted in China. Each time, the danger was averted. Instead of arresting me, they admired my courage and told me to take care of my own safety.

My family worried for me at first, but I explained to them the power of Dafa. After the proof of several months of my being safe, they discarded their misgivings. If you cast away the attachment to fear, there will be no factor to make you fearful. If you put down the attachment to life and death, the evil won't even dare to touch you.

I want to say so much to my fellow practitioners in Beijing, but I can summarize it all into these few words: "Fellow practitioners in Beijing, please take action as soon as possible. At this most complicated and most evil center is our rare, and hard-to-find opportunity. Don't miss out because of a momentary lapse in determination."