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Latest News from China - December 16, 2004

January 05, 2005 |  


  1. [Nanchong City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Zhong Guoyao on the Brink of Death at the Jialing District Detention Center
  2. [Jilin Province] Mr. Xu Qingwu Suffers from Muscular Atrophy as a Result of Inhuman Torture
  3. [Yanqing County, Beijing City] Mr. Shi Jianlin Arrested for Putting Up Truth-Clarification Materials
  4. [Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Gao Chengnu Suffers Mental Collapse as a Result of Torture
  5. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Jing Yuhua and Liu Xinyu Arrested While Clarifying the Truth
  6. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Many Practitioners Severely Beaten for Refusing to Wear Nametags at the Jiamusi Detention Center
  7. [Hebei Province] Mr. Shijian Arrested for Clarifying the Truth
  8. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] The Persecution Ms. Ma Chunli's Family Has Experienced
  9. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Mr. Yang Zhanguo Passed Away as a Result of Persecution
  10. [Dingxing County, Hebei Province] Three Practitioners Arrested
  11. [Hefei, Anhui Province] Ms. Huang Yuping and Ms. Chen Wenfang Abducted by the Police
  12. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Liu Xinyu Detained at the Police Department for Distributing Truth-Clarification Materials
  13. [Huangshan City, Anhui Province] Practitioner Mr. Jie Guangfu Arrested
  14. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Yuemin Arrested While Clarifying the Truth at Jiuli Village
  15. [Chengdu City, Sichuang Province] Ms. Huang Duxiu Arrested for Clarifying the Truth About Falun Dafa
  16. [Dalian Liaoning Province] 53-year-old Ms. Guyuanqing Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor
  17. [Yutai County, Shandong Province] Ms. Chen Xiuying Detained for Distributing Truth-Clarification Materials
  18. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Army Doctor Wang Jiping Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor
  19. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Ms. Fang Yongzhen and Ms. Lu Guifen Suffer Inhumane Treatment in a Detention Center
  20. [Hongjiang City, Hunan Province] Zeng Chunmei Arrested for Reading Zhuan Falun at Home
  21. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Several Practitioners from Two Falun Dafa Materials Sites Arrested
  22. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Practitioners Ms. Feng Haiying and Ms. Jin Yu Arrested
  23. [Beijing] Ms. Qi Yuling Arrested by the Police While Clarifying the Truth About Falun Dafa

1. [Nanchong City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Zhong Guoyao on the Brink of Death at the Jialing District Detention Center

Mr. Zhong Guoyao from Nanchong City, Sichuan Province was the Chairman of the Trade Union of the Lihui Construction Group (Formerly Nanchong Area Construction Company) which is located in Shiyou South Road, Nanchong City. His house is opposite the Beihu Lake in Nanchong City.

Mr. Zhong Guoyao was arrested by the police in 2001 and sentenced to one year of forced labor. He was released only after his family had nearly ten thousand yuan extorted from them.

Around August 29, 2004, Mr. Zhong Guoyao was arrested by plainclothes policemen from the National Security Division while clarifying the truth at the Beigandao Market in Nanchong City. Mr. Zhong Guoyao is currently locked up at the Jialing District Detention Center in Nanchong City. Due to torture, he is now just skin and bones, and his life in danger.

Recently, Mr. Zhong Guoyao was put in handcuffs and shackles. From October 30th, the prison authority refused to allow Mr. Zhong's family to visit him. Mr. Zhong's family, including an 80-year old man, went to the gate of the Jialing District Detention Center condemning the injustice and requesting Mr. Zhong Guoyao's release. They also went to the government at all levels to seek justice.

It has been learned that quite a number of Falun Dafa practitioners are still being held in the Jialing District Detention Center.

2. [Jilin Province] Mr. Xu Qingwu Suffers from Muscular Atrophy as a Result of Inhuman Torture

Mr. Wu Changqing of Weijin Township, Dongliao County, Jiling Province was released from Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City in June 2004. However, he was sentenced to forced labor on November 26, 2004 and sent back to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp.

Mr. Xu Qingwu is a retired worker from Fuyu County Railway in Jilin Province. In 2003, he was sentenced to forced labor. On August 24, 2004 Mr. Xu was arrested by the railway police when he clarified the truth to passengers on the train. The Changchun Railway Police Department tied his arms and hung him up for seven days. Fifteen days later they sentenced him to forced labor and sent him to Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City. Now Mr. Xu is suffering from muscular atrophy and has difficulty moving around.

3. [Yanqing County, Beijing City] Mr. Shi Jianlin Arrested for Putting Up Truth-Clarification Materials

At midnight on November 12, 2004, Mr. Shi Jianlin from Yanqing County of Beijing City was arrested by the police from Yanqing County Police Department. Thereafter his home and the dormitory of his work unit (Shenjiaying Grain Depot of Yanqing County) were ransacked and all his Falun Dafa books were confiscated. Mr. Shi Jianlin is still being held at the Yanqing County Detention Center because he refused to renounce Falun Dafa.

Those departments and persons related to the persecution:

Liu Lanshan, Director of Yanqing County 610 Office: 86-13501128108 (Cell)
610 Office: 86-10-69101525
Yanqiang County Detention Center: 86-10-81197991, 86-10-81197830,
Director: Xia Yongkun
National Security Section of the Yanqing County: 86-10-81198121, 
Head of the Section: Bai Zongliang,
Deputy Head: Zhang Shixian
Yanqing County Police Department (Director's Office): 86-10-81198001,
Director: Ye Guoqing

4. [Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Gao Chengnu Suffers Mental Collapse as a Result of Torture

Ms. Gao Chengnu (wife of a South Korean), who is detained at the Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp, has suffered a mental collapse as a result of inhuman torture. She never opens her eyes and mumbles unintelligible phrases. She only walks when someone supports her and eats only when someone feeds her.

5. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Jing Yuhua and Liu Xinyu Arrested While Clarifying the Truth

On November 24, 2004, Policeman Geng Yue from the Changsheng Police Station of Jiamusi City collaborated with policeman Chen Wanyou from the City Police Department. They went to practitioner Jin Yujie's home and broke into the house twice when there was no one at home. Later, they abducted Jin Yujie's mother and daughter.

At another time, Deng Bing was arrested from home. Jing Yuhua and Liu were arrested for clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa.

6. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Many Practitioners Severely Beaten for Refusing to Wear Nametags at the Jiamusi Detention Center

Recently the provincial authority planned to conduct a year-end examination of the forced labor camp.

On December 7, 2004, policewomen Wang Xiurong, Li Xiujin and others began to search the practitioners, their bedding and bags containing clothes, claiming it was a security check. Early in the morning on September 19, the policewomen ordered the practitioners to put on nametags. Most of the practitioners refused. Li Xiujin shouted abuses and Wang Xiurong kicked 56-year-old Ms. Su Yanhua while swearing at her. Li Xiujin beat and swore at Ms. Zhang Lingde. Ms. Ma Rujun and Ms Zhang Xiaogeng were severely beaten. Zhang Xiaogeng's mouth was swollen as a result of the beating. Liu Yadong threatened to extend Zhang Xiaogeng's term.

Since the practitioners refused to put on nametags, the police sewed the tags onto their clothes. Then the practitioners tore them off. Thereafter, the police beat them up and then sewed the nametags back on the practitioners' clothes. Li Xiujin beat Ms Gao Chenwen.

The "hundred points appraisal" has become one of the forms of persecuting practitioners in the forced labor camp. If a practitioner refuses to renounce Falun Dafa, ten days will be added to their forced labor or prison terms. Eleven practitioners refused to take part in forced labor in protest against the persecution. The policemen swore continuously and extended these practitioners' terms of imprisonment for an extra 20 days. Policewomen Sun Hui and Li Xiurong forged the signature of the head of the forced labor camp to extend Fei Jinrong's term of imprisonment for an extra three months.

7. [Hebei Province] Mr. Shijian Arrested for Clarifying the Truth

Thirty-six-year-old Shi Jian is an employee of the No. 12 Oil Producing Division of the Huabei Oil Field. At the end of November 2004, Mr. Shi was arrested for clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa and his whereabouts are still unknown.

8. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] The Persecution Ms. Ma Chunli's Family Has Experienced

Ms. Ma Chunli and her husband from Dehui City suffered from inhuman torture by the Jiang regime simply because they practice Falun Gong.

Ms Ma's husband Sun Qian was sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment and is now being held at the Jilin City No. 2 Prison, where he suffers from all kinds of torture. The prison tortured him with the method of stretching (1). The tendons of his four limbs are broken and he is crippled. Ms. Ma Chunli was forced to leave home and become homeless in order to avoid being arrested and persecuted. As a result she could not return home, go to work nor even take care of her child.

In the afternoon of December 14, 2004, Ma Chunli was arrested and forced to leave a 5-year old son behind

9. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Mr. Yang Zhanguo Passed Away as a Result of Persecution

Mr. Yang Zhanguo, 54 years old, is from Jixing Village of Sihe Township in Yushu City, Jilin Province. After Mr. Yang learned Falun Dafa in 1997, he enjoyed good health. In December 2001, Mr. Yang went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong and was imprisoned at the Yushu Detention Center. Because he refused to renounce his belief, the Yushu City Police Department sentenced him to two years of forced labor and sent him to Jiutai City Forced Labor Camp for further persecution.

In 2003 Mr. Yang Zhanguo was released. He was extremely weak as a result of the persecution, which caused the recurrence of an old illness. His wife and two sons burned all the Falun Dafa books having been poisoned by the propaganda. They also did not allow Mr. Yang to study the Fa or practice the exercises. Not long ago and only when Mr. Yang Zhanguo was near death, his family finally realized that it was the persecution by Jiang's regime that had destroyed their family. However, it was too late. Mr. Yang passed away on November 30, 2004.

10. [Dingxing County, Hebei Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

In the evening on December 8, 2004, Ms. Fang Deying, Ms. Li Xiuqin, Nie and another practitioner from Yangjiazhuang Village, Yangcun, Dingxian County, Baoding City in Hebei Province were caught by the police while handing out the truth-clarification materials. One of them managed to evade arrest. However, Ms. Fang Deying, Ms. Li Xiuqin and Nie were arrested and sent to the Dingxing County Detention Center. On the same evening, their houses were ransacked and all their Falun Dafa books and the truth-clarification materials were taken away.

11. [Hefei, Anhui Province] Ms. Huang Yuping and Ms. Chen Wenfang Abducted by the Police

Recently, Ms. Huang Yuping and Ms. Chen Wenfang from Hefei Area were abducted by the police simply because they refused to give up their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance." They were forced to jump out of the building and were seriously injured.

12. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Liu Xinyu Detained at the Police Department for Distributing Truth-Clarification Materials

At 4 p.m. on December 11, 2004, Liu Xinyu from Beipei District, Fuling of Chongqing City and another practitioner went to Fuling Teachers College to hand out truth-clarification materials and were arrested by several policemen from the Fuling Teachers College Police Station. Now Mr. Liu Xinyu is being held at the Fuling Police Department. The other practitioner was released due to her pregnancy.

13. [Huangshan City, Anhui Province] Practitioner Mr. Jie Guangfu Arrested

In September 2004, a Falun Dafa materials site in Huangshan City, Anhui Province was ransacked. Mr. Jie Guangfu and about ten other practitioners were arrested. The police department said they would release the arrested practitioners if their families paid a bail of three thousand yuan each. Some of the practitioners were released after having paid a fine; however, Jie Guangfu is still in detention.

14. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Yuemin Arrested While Clarifying the Truth at Jiuli Village

Ms. Sun Yuemin from Longkou City, Shandong Province was arrested in the evening on December 6, 2004 while handing out truth-clarification materials at Jiuli Village in Dongjiang Township (Jiuli Village includes Jiubei Village and Jiunan Village). On the following day, policemen from the Longkou Police Department and the 610 Office staff were seen searching the village. They also asked the villagers to hand in the truth-clarification materials they had received.

15. [Chengdu City, Sichuang Province] Ms. Huang Duxiu Arrested for Clarifying the Truth About Falun Dafa

At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon on December 14, 2004, Ms. Huangxiu from Chengxiang Township, Qingbaijiang City and another practitioner were clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to someone from the nearby countryside. That person grabbed Ms. Huang and phoned the police. The police arrived immediately and arrested Ms. Huang Tuxiu. The other practitioner managed to evade arrest her with righteous thoughts. After 6 p.m. Huang Tuxiu's house was ransacked.

16. [Dalian Liaoning Province] 53-year-old Ms. Guyuanqing Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor

Ms. Gu Yuanqing is a 53-year old retired worker and lives at 142 Wuyi Road, Shahekou District, Dalian City in Liaoning Province. She went to Xinmate Shopping Center in Shahekou District to clarify the truth on October 10, 2000 and was arrested by the police. Ms. Gu was held at the Yaojia Detention Center for half a month and then was transferred to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp on October 26. Recently, she has been sentenced to two years of forced labor.

17. [Yutai County, Shandong Province] Ms. Chen Xiuying Detained for Distributing Truth-Clarification Materials

Ms. Chen Xiuying from Yutai County, Shandong Province was arrested and taken away by the police while handing out truth-clarification materials on the evening of December 12, 2004. Currently, her whereabouts are not known.

18. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Army Doctor Wang Jiping Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor

Recently, anesthetist Wang Jiping (an army doctor) of Jiamusi 224 Hospital attached to the Shenyang Military Region has been sentenced to three years of forced labor. An additional 18 civilians were implicated in the case. They were arrested and sentenced to forced labor. A special case group from the Shenyang Military Region went to 224 hospital several times and this small hospital spent hundreds of thousands of yuan to entertain the members of the group. Those in the hospital or the military region, who were originally going to be promoted by the end of the year, had their promotions canceled.

The persecution not only targets the Falun Dafa practitioners of the military region, but also their sons and daughters. Their children are required to register for the record.

19. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Ms. Fang Yongzhen and Ms. Lu Guifen Suffer Inhumane Treatment in a Detention Center

Ms. Fang Yongzhen and Ms. Lu Guifen from Laishui County, Baoding City, Hebei Province were arrested and taken to the detention center separately by the County 610 Office and the Police Department. They were locked up in the detention center for more than a year. During the detention they were sentenced to forced labor. However, because the harsh treatment had made them extremely weak, the Baoding Prison refused to accept them, so they were turned back to the county detention center.

Now the two of them suffer from dizziness and vomiting and cannot eat properly. Ms. Fang Yongzhen's family requested her release twice but the law enforcement body did not let her go. Instead, they tried to extort 5,000 yuan from them. They even threatened not to release Ms. Fang until they received the money.

When the government officials saw the condition of Ms. Fang Yongzhen and Ms. Lu Guifen, they agreed to let the two go even if their families did not pay the full amount. This is because they do not want to shoulder the responsibility should they die as a result of their abuse.

20. [Hongjiang City, Hunan Province] Zeng Chunmei Arrested for Reading Zhuan Falun at Home

On the morning of December 7th, when Ms. Zeng Chunmei was reading Zhuan Falun in the doorway of her own shop, she was arrested by the 610 Office, Xiang Qinghua and Yi Zongxian from the Political and Security Section. The reason given for her arrest was "There are the truth-clarification flyers and materials everywhere and we still have not found anyone to blame." Ms. Zeng Chunmei went on a hunger strike for three days to resist the illegal detention and she was released unconditionally.

The one who is responsible for the persecution: Xiang Qinghua: 86-745-7212169

21. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Several Practitioners from Two Falun Dafa Materials Sites Arrested

At about 2 o'clock on December 14, 2004, Mr. Bai Ruisong's family, which temporarily lived at the residential building belonging to the Tienan Railway Bureau of Dehui City, was detained by the local police. The policemen broke into the house and arrested Mr. Bai Ruisong, his wife Ms. Liu Fengyun and his daughter Ms. Bai He. Not long afterwards, Mr. Sun Dawei was arrested by the police who were hiding near Mr. Bai's house.

On the same afternoon, Ms. Ma Chunli and Ms. Du Xiaodan (alias) who lived in another place in Tienan were also arrested. A large quantity of property, including three computers, two black and white printers, one color printer and one laminator was confiscated from these two sites.

Telephone numbers of departments and persons related to the persecution of Falun Dafa:

Country Code: 86, area cold: 431

Zhou Hongwu, Secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-431-7237559 (Office), 86-431-7219988 (Home), 86-13943121016 (Cell)

Zhang Guochen, Director of the Dehui City Police Department: 86-431-7222192 (Office), 86-431-3209999, 86-13943101001 (Cell)

Zhao Yujie, Head of the Political and Secuirty Section of Dehui Police Department: 86-431-7222053 (Office), 86-431-7224923 (Home), 86-13504397188 (Cell)

Li Yuke, Head of the Dehui City "610 Office": 86-431-7234600 (Office), 86-13943021087 (Cell)

22. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Practitioners Ms. Feng Haiying and Ms. Jin Yu Arrested

Forty-year-old Ms. Feng Haiying lives near the People's Square of Changchun City. She was arrested and her house was ransacked by the Changchun City Police on December 11, 2004. Things confiscated include a printer, a photocopier, a computer, CD burners, blank cds and large quantities miscellaneous supplies. Thirty-six-year-old Ms. Jin Yu or Xiao Yu (alias) disappeared on the same day.

23. [Beijing] Ms. Qi Yuling Arrested by the Police While Clarifying the Truth About Falun Dafa

Ms. Qi Yuling from Beijing was arrested by the police while clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to other people. Now she is on a hunger strike at the Beijing Police Hospital.


(1) Torture method of stretching: a person's four limbs are tightly tied to iron chains. Then, the chains are pulled tight so that the body is suspended in midair.

(2) The Falun Dafa materials sites refers to locations in China where practitioners create, print, and assemble materials such as flyers, banners, and VCD's used to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution.