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Only When We Coordinate the Three Things Well Will Everything We Do Work Smoothly

December 27, 2005 |   By Dafa practitioner Xian Zhen from Sichuan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I first learned about Falun Dafa in 1998 from my daughter. I remember the first time when she came home after obtaining the Fa. I noticed that her health, which had been not very good, had improved significantly. I asked her what she had done to get so well. She told me, "I practice Falun Gong." Then she told me how good Dafa is, and that as long as we follow Master's teachings, our health will improve.

How wonderful this exercise is. I wanted to practice it as well! Before teaching me the exercises, she talked about many principles. Since this is the cultivation method that I had been looking for, I fortified my determination to practice it right from the start. I had never dreamed of having an opportunity to find it. Then I bought the book Zhuan Falun. With a sincere heart, I read it over and over again and each time I had a deeper understanding of its meaning. I deeply realize how precious this book is.

However, Falun Gong was banned by the vicious Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after July 20, 1999. I felt pain and hurt. I was very disappointed with the CCP. Then there was the so-called Tiananmen Square self-immolation. I immediately realized that it was a shameless lie about Falun Gong that was fabricated by the CCP. Thereafter, I was more determined in my cultivation. Through Fa study, I gradually understood that our current cultivation is different from others in the past. We not only have to cultivate ourselves but also have to go out to clarify the facts, expose the evil lies, stop the persecution and save sentient beings.

When I first started to clarify the facts, I did not have the courage to do it during the daytime. In the evenings, I inserted material through the gaps under doors in places where the light was weak. Due to my lack of experience, I was illegally detained twice. The first time, I was arrested when I was reading a Dafa book in public. I was detained for over one month and fined 3000 yuan. The second time, someone reported me to the police while I was clarifying the facts. I was arrested and detained for over one month. They released me after fining me another 2000 yuan. After these two illegal detentions, I learned my lesson and became more experienced. I searched for reasons behind these two arrests. I realized that I was afraid and had other attachments as well. I had xinxing issues and did not conduct myself rationally according to Dafa, and thereby the evil took advantage of my loopholes, which also brought a negative impact to Dafa. How could I make up for the loss? I must act righteously during Fa-rectification, do better in validating Dafa and do well the three things we are supposed to do. I should follow Master, safeguard Dafa and cultivate more diligently during the rest of my cultivation path.

Now, I often show up at construction sites, mining plants, and villages during the day and clarify the facts face to face and distribute flyers. I'm able to get good results. I often ran out of material so I had to apologize to those who did not get the material and promised I would bring some to them the next time.

For Dafa practitioners, there are a lot of things we can do right now, especially clarifying the facts to save sentient beings, which is our main task. The countryside is a wide-open area with a lot of people. If we do not go there to clarify the facts, how could they be saved? Thus if we want to save more beings, we should go there. I remember when I went to the countryside last June, I visited my hometown. Most of the farmers there could not read. As long as they understood the truth, most of them would ask for a CD and material. Some even wanted to buy Zhuan Falun, and some wanted to learn the exercises immediately and asked me to teach them. 900f them accepted the truth, showed sympathy towards Falun Gong and loathed CCP leader Jiang Zemin. This time when I visited my hometown again, I learned that one of my former neighbors had a serious disease of blood poisoning. When she was sent to a hospital, the doctors said it was too late for a treatment and they sent her home to die. I saw her pale face and she looked terrible. I told her about Dafa and clarified the facts to her. She understood and believed what I had said. After a few days, I sent her the book Zhuan Falun and an exercise tape. She completely recovered in less than 6 months. I felt really happy for her and that she became a Dafa practitioner.

I understood that cultivation during Fa-rectification means that we need to clarify the facts, study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts, and that these three things are not separable. If we do not study the Fa for a long time, the effectiveness of clarifying the facts will not be good. If we are not diligent in studying the Fa, our minds will not be tranquil when we send forth righteous thoughts. Only when we coordinate the three things well, will everything we do work smoothly. Sometimes when I talked with non-practitioners, I felt as if I were talking with practitioners, and what they said was not like something coming from the mouths of ordinary people. These conversations became more and more interesting and my environment become more and more free. However, we should not become attached; furthermore, we should not show any zealotry, because then the evil will find a way to take advantage of our gaps and interfere with our cultivation.

After I read Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party I felt both sad and happy. When I saw the brutal persecution and framing of Falun Gong by the evil communist spirit, I felt extreme pain to the point of not being able to breathe. When I learned about the killing of so many innocent people by this evil communist regime, I was so shocked that my whole body was shaking, as if I were being tortured myself. I could not calm down for a long time after reading this part of a sad history. The Nine Commentaries are so wonderful. The content is rich, truthful, objective and real. It reveals what people have been afraid of speaking out about and exposes to the world all the sins the evil CCP has committed. It exposes the party's long term lies and evil theories, and exposes the brutal killings of people. It is a book that will shake the world. The Nine Commentaries enables the world to get a clear picture of the true nature of the evil communist party and makes them want to break away from it by quitting the party and its affiliated organizations. This is good news that will make people happy. I actively spread The Nine Commentaries related material to my relatives, friends, neighbors, business associates and other people I meet in my daily life. I also ask them to spread the Nine Commentaries to their family members and friends. One copy of the Nine Commentaries has changed hands so many times that I am just not able to count it anymore.

Through patiently explaining everything to my family members, they accepted the Nine Commentaries and openly issued their statements to quit the evil party and all of its affiliated organizations. My granddaughter even burned her red scarf.

Since 1999, Jiang's evil regime has been brutally persecuting Dafa. Our merciful and great Master has born so much for us and paid with so much hardship. We should treat our cultivation seriously and cherish this opportunity that has not been available for thousands of years. The more the end is approaching, the more diligent we should be in our cultivation.