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A Party Secretary at a City Labor Bureau Resigns from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

May 28, 2005 |   By Ailing

(Clearwisdom.net) I have a classmate who is a party secretary at a city labor bureau. I called her from overseas to greet her during the Chinese New Year. After exchanging greetings, I clarified the truth to her about Falun Dafa and how it had spread overseas and was now practiced in over 50 countries. I also told her about The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. I told her so much. She knew I was speaking the truth and she accepted what I had to say.

She said that she had read the Falun Gong books, but had not understood them. After the persecution started in July 1999, the city committee required that all CCP members turn in their Falun Gong books. She did so without knowing what it was all about. She told me about a Falun Gong practitioner who worked at her company that had been sent to a forced labor camp for two years. She spoke with this practitioner and asked him why he wouldn't give up his belief, and went to prison rather than give up his belief. The practitioner clarified the truth to her about Falun Gong and why the government persecuted it, but at that time, she still could not quite understand it. My classmate said to me, "So many people learn Falun Gong, and the government persecutes them so brutally. But they are not afraid of being jailed or giving up their lives. They continue to believe in the teachings of Falun Gong in spite of such severe persecution. There must be a reason. They must know something or have seen something. Otherwise they could not be so solid under such severe persecution."

I said, "You are right. You should find out why they are so firm in their beliefs. You should read Zhuan Falun to find the answer to this mystery." She said, "Yes, I should. I really regret that I turned in my Falun Gong books. I wish I had saved at least one book." I said, "I can give one to you." She said, "Really? That would be great." Later I sent her truth clarification CDs, Dafa music, CDs produced by FGM TV, Falun Gong exercise music, a Falun Gong exercise instruction CD, a Falun pin, and other Falun Gong books, plus the "Nine commentaries on the Communist Party" in two batches. She was extremely happy.

Recently during the long May 1st holiday in China, I called her again. I told her that the number of people who had resigned from the CCP had reached one million, and in several big cities in the world, including New York, there were large-scale parades supporting the one million people who had resigned from the party, and encouraging others to do so as well. This encouraged her to make the decision herself to resign. She said she had not believed in the CCP for a long time and that no one believed in it any longer. Even the officials just use the CCP to their own ends.

I asked her if she had read the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party." She said, "Not yet. But I have read the 'Solemn Declarations' from the Epoch Times." I told her that she should read the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party." She replied, "I want to first finish Zhuan Falun at least once, then I will read the commentaries, and then the rest of the Dafa books."

Later she told me about another incident. A few days earlier, a party secretary at her company told her that one person at her branch had not submitted the party membership fees for several months. That person told her, "If the CCP's members were the pioneers that they claim they are, then the standard of the CCP would be very high. But the CCP is so corrupt now. Besides, I have not reached the CCP's standard. When I reach that standard and the CCP is not corrupt any more, I will pay the party membership fee." The party secretary asked my classmate for advice. She said, "You cannot force people to pay the party's membership fee." My classmate told me secretly, "Based on what you said, he must have resigned from CCP. Otherwise why would he suddenly refuse to pay party membership fees?" I asked her in return whether she wanted to resign too. She said, "Yes, I want to resign too, and I want to do it now." I said I could help her to make the announcement, but she must make the choice fully in her heart. She said, "No problem. The CCP is so rotten now, who would want to be a part of it?"

There are many people around us who have predestined relationships. Our mission is to assist Master's Fa-rectification in order to save people. We cannot let people miss this opportunity of the ages. We must use the wisdom given to us by the Fa to connect with all the people who have predestined relationships with us, to help save them.

May 6, 2005