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Awakening People in front of the Chinese Consulate in Toronto, Canada

June 19, 2005 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Toronto, Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) It has been six years since Falun Gong practitioners started appealing to China for the end of its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in front of the Chinese Consulate General in Toronto, Canada. I would like to share some of the more memorable stories.

1. The World's People Are Awakening

For the past five years, I have entertained each and every question presented to me. When a passerby did not ask me any question about Falun Gong or take any truth-clarification material, I would tell him, "Falun Gong is good! Falun Gong is a righteous cultivation practice!" One day a young man came out of the Chinese Consulate General, walked briskly past our truth-clarification posters, and suddenly turned around. "What did you say?" he asked. I repeated, "Falun Gong is good! Falun Gong is a righteous cultivation practice!" He seemed to have awakened immediately. He took two copies of truth-clarification materials and told me that one copy was for his friend and the other was for him.

2. An Awakened Man Helped Wake up Two Muddleheaded Men

One day two men walked past me without taking any truth-clarification material. When I told them aloud, "Falun Gong is good!," a third man came out of the Chinese Consulate, saw the whole thing and said loudly, "If they don't take one, I will have one. Falun Gong improves one's health, treats one's illnesses and saves one's life. Besides, it is free! There is no reason to miss the opportunity. You won't have another opportunity again!" I took a good look at the third man only to find he was the man who took the truth-clarification materials the other day! Now he was helping me promote Falun Gong. One of the two men returned and took a copy of truth-clarification material. He also said, "Thank you."

3. A Restored Conscience

Around 8:30 a.m. I was sending forth righteous thoughts when I heard a man asking, "How much is Falun Gong paying you per day?" I opened my eyes to find a young man in a black business suit. I had seen him around here quite often. He was probably one of the special agents. I told him, "Who can afford to pay us for our volunteer work? There are one hundred million Falun Gong practitioners worldwide. They have been clarifying the truth about Falun Gong for the past five years. Suppose each Falun Gong practitioner gets $1 USD. That'd be $100,000,000 of salary every day. How many trillions in salary would have been paid out over the past five years? Besides, who do you think you can hire for $1 USD a day to stand in the sun, rain, wind or snow for long hours each day? Do you know anyone in the world that is rich enough to pay such salaries?" He did not reply. I produced a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and offered it to him. "Why don't you read this book? Do not forfeit your conscience for money. God is watching you right now!" He still did not say anything, but he nodded and accepted the book. He made a circle in the courtyard of the Chinese Consulate General before he left. I know he was beginning to restore his conscience.