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Validate Dafa in an Open and Above-Board Way

June 04, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In 2000, I went to Beijing to validate Falun Dafa and was arrested by the police. My hometown local police took me back home and sentenced me to one year in a labor camp. I thought that appealing to the government was my right granted by the Chinese Constitution and that I hadn't done anything wrong. They should not send me to a labor camp. Teacher's words count, and my words count. With these thoughts, Teacher must have strengthened me, since the labor camp found that I had serious symptoms of heart disease when they gave me a physical examination. The camp refused to receive me and my hometown's local police had to send me home.

In 2001, I was distributing Dafa truth clarification materials with several fellow practitioners, when someone who did not understand the truth of Falun Dafa saw what we were doing. He came up and grabbed me tightly. I admonished him and said, "What in the world do you want? Let me go!" At the same time, I said to my fellow practitioners, "Let's go! He has wicked intentions." Under Teacher's compassionate protection, we got rid of this person's pestering through our righteous thoughts and actions.

In 2002, I had been homeless, moving from place to place to avoid further persecution. When eating in a restaurant, I started clarifying the truth of Dafa to the owner of the restaurant. Having learned the truth, he kindly told other people that I was a Falun Gong practitioner. Instantly, several people came up to learn the truth about Falun Dafa. Without any attachment of fear, I only thought about saving people, believing that this was the most important thing we could do. I told them the facts about Falun Gong and gave them CDs clarifying the truth. They all happily took them and said that they would cherish them.

Because I was homeless, I was held up by inspectors checking on household residences. I was later taken back to my hometown and detained in a local detention center. During that time, Teacher often gave me hints to keep silent and to not cooperate with anything the perpetrators did. They have all heard me clarify the truth. I had been maintaining my righteous thoughts that this was not the place where I should be and I that wanted to go out to save the world's people. The police took me to a hospital for a complete health examination, with the intention of persecuting me more severely. I saw through their evil intentions and sent a righteous thought: "Teacher, please support me in making their plot fall through." As a result of the examination, the doctor said that all of my internal organs were in terrible condition and that I was dying. The police were afraid of taking responsibility for my death and let me go home. In this way, I broke out of the detention center in an open and above-board way.

Several days later, my body had not yet recovered, when a related work unit sent a person to my home to harass me. This person started to curse me as soon as he came in. I stopped him, to prevent him from slandering Dafa and creating karma. I said, "Please wait, let me talk first." He angrily said, "I speak first." Compassion came up in my heart and I said kindly, "You don't know the truth, let me tell you." He was moved by my sincerity, and his anger was not as severe as before. Then, I told him the story of our family. Everyone in our family was ill, and medical treatment didn't work at all. After practicing Falun Gong, every one of our family members now has good physical health. Having told him all of this, I also told him of the benefits and goodness Dafa has given every practitioner, the grandness of the worldwide spread of Dafa, and how Jiang Zemin's regime has persecuted Dafa and Dafa practitioners since July 20, 1999. I explained that this was why I was forced into homelessness. I said to him, "You may think it over. What we want is simply to have a healthy body and to live our life peacefully at home, like everyone else. You cannot imagine how much hardship I suffered when I was forced into homelessness." Hearing all of this, his anger and complaints were all gone and he said gently to me, "I will never come again from now on. Later, if you have any difficulty you may come to me and I will back you up." Upon returning to the work unit, he told other people who once came to harass me, "It turns out that you people made a mess of this matter. From now on, I'm telling all of you, 'Nobody is allowed to go to the home of so-and-so to harass her. Whoever intimidates her and forces her to leave home again will be responsible, and I will not be responsible.'" From then on, nobody has come to my home to harass me.

In just over 40 days after coming home, I recovered from my precarious health condition. I went to the hospital to see the same doctor who had examined me right before my release. He didn't recognize me at all. After looking at me carefully, he said with surprise, "In your previous condition, you could not be cured by our modern medicine. The director of our hospital personally allowed you to go home. And now, without taking any medicine and to everyone's surprise, you have recovered so fast. What a miracle! It is simply a miracle!" I then clarified the truth of Dafa to this doctor.