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Passing Through the Cold and Welcoming the Warmth of Summer - Clarifying the Truth in Manhattan - Part 4

August 25, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) While clarifying the truth for the past six weeks, I noticed that, for many tourists, it was the first time they heard about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. After hearing the truth, they often signed a petition to support our cause. After a year of demonstrating the torture reenactments, many New Yorkers have come to admire Falun Gong practitioners' efforts and courage. Many would like to take up Falun Gong. Almost every day, there are people who ask me how to start practicing Falun Gong.

The following are some of the stories I would like to share with you.

1. I Am a Falun Gong Practitioner

A man in his thirties was standing in front of our display and reading the information. I went over to tell him how the Chinese police tortured practitioners to the extent that some lost their lives.

He signed his name on the petition. When I gave him a VCD, he said, "I already have one." Then he told me, "I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I am reading Zhuan Falun."

I said to him. "Please don't give up until you finish reading it." He replied, "I like this book very much. As soon as I started it, I knew this it was what I was looking for." When we were about to leave, I saw him again. He came back when his work shift ended. It seemed that our righteous field was like a magnet that attracted him, and he kept coming back.

2. I Just Started Practicing

A lovely young lady was walking by our exhibit with her father. I asked her if she could sign our petition. She stopped, and started to speak to me with broken English. She said she was from the Ukraine and that there were about 100 Falun Gong practitioners in her area. She just started to practice. Then I asked her if she liked it. She said, "It's excellent. It has brought me so much happiness." Her father nodded in agreement.

I am very happy for her. Falun Dafa has brought deep meaning to many people's lives. Like me, she did not go into Falun Dafa for better health. Many practitioners outside China are youthful and have good health as well as a good financial base. Nonetheless, they felt lost and pursued the meaning of life - then they found Falun Dafa. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is the highest law in the universe. This is why many Chinese practitioners will not give up their practice - even in the face of brutal persecution. It may be hard for everyday people to understand.

3. Where Can I Learn Falun Dafa?

Every morning, we arrive at our spot before the truck with our display and exhibit does. We send forth righteous thoughts to clear away any interference. Then we practice the meditation for an hour.

One day, when I opened my eyes after the meditation, I saw a man watching us while sitting on a nearby bench. We made eye contact and he then came over to me to ask what practice this was. He said that he was attracted to this very peaceful atmosphere when he walked by, - so he decided to sit down and watch us.

I explained to him why we were there. Then he asked me where he could learn the practice. I told him that I could teach him right then, but he was in a rush to get to work and did not have much time. So I wrote down the website address for him. I told him that all the materials can be downloaded from the Internet and that he can also use the Internet to find a practice site near his residence. I further explained to him that there are practitioners in every state and all practitioners will be willing to teach him. All activities of Falun Dafa are open to the public and free of charge. He was very impressed.

4. A Precious Practice That Does Not Cost a Cent

Once, a couple stopped in front of our exhibit. When they heard that, in 1999, close to 100 million people were practicing Falun Gong, the man could feel the power of the practice. He said that he once practiced some other qigong. He believed that Chinese qigong is ancient wisdom, which was why he took an interest in learning it.

Then he asked how much it cost to learn Falun Gong. I told him, "It's free." He was shocked. He said he had spent a lot of money learning qigong, and in the United States, that seemed to be reasonable. Personally, before I found Falun Gong, I went to a well-known temple to be away from earthly concerns, which cost me quite a bit of money. I explained to him that Falun Gong is a cultivation practice that includes following the teachings of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. It is not just exercising and it is not easy to assimilate to these characteristics.

He finally understood the difference between Falun Dafa and other qigong practices. He wanted to learn right away. I gave him the contact number in the New York area and suggested that he read Zhuan Falun on the Internet first. It is better to understand some basic principals so as to overcome the difficulties he may have in practicing. He agreed with me.

He is lucky to have come in contact with Falun Dafa. In the United States, many people spend money to learn meditation, Yoga and Tai-Chi, but have not come across Falun Dafa. I am very happy for people who can actually step into the practice.